environment jobs Est. in 1994. Delivering Environment Jobs for 30 years
We couldn’t find what you were looking for, but here are some previous jobs that matched your criteria | ||
-year Postdoctoral Research Fellowship or Senior Researcher position to study permafrost thaw and consequences to nature and society using Earth system modelingA 3-year postdoctoral researcher position in land surface modeling is available at NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS, Climate, in Bergen, Norway. More experienced candidates will be considered for a permanent position as senior researcher. The ... |
Norway - Europe,
Stipendiat i terrestrisk okosystem responsar pa klimaendringar og effektar for akkumulering karbon i jordVed Institutt for biovitenskap og Bjerknessenteret for Klimaforskning er det ledig ei stilling som stipendiat innan økosystem responsar. Stillinga er for ein åremålsperiode på tre år, med ... |
Norway - Europe,
Temporary position as postdoc/researcher within sea ice modellingTemporary position as postdoc/researcher within sea ice modelling Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre Deadline: 30 March ... |
Norway - Europe,
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Senior Scientist in Sea-Level Research.The Nansen Center (www.nersc.no) is an independent non-profit research foundation and national environmental and climate research institute. The Center conducts multidisciplinary research with focus on the marine environment, cryosphere and ... |
Norway - Europe,
Postdoktor i KlimamodelleringDet er ledig ei stilling som postdoktor i regional klimamodellering og -analyse ved det nyleg etablerte SapienCE Senter for Fremragende Forskning (SFF). Stillingen er finansiert av forskingsrådet og er for ein åremålsperiode ... |
Norway - Europe,
PhD position in ice sheet modellingWe have a full-time PhD position available in the field of ice sheet modelling at the Climate and Environment Department of NORCE Norwegian Research Centre (NORCE) in Bergen, Norway. The position is for a fixed-term period of 3 years at NORCE, and ... |
Norway - Europe,
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Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Observational Oceanography... |
Norway - Europe,
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Postdoktorstilling innen Klimaprediksjon... |
Norway - Europe,
(Ext Link)
Forskar i klimadynamikkVed Geofysisk institutt er det ledig ei mellombels stilling som forskar i klimadynamikk. Stillinga er for ein periode på 2 år og er knytt til Bjerknes Klimavarslingsprogram (BCPU) og andre relaterte eksternfinansierte ... |
Norway - Europe,
(Ext Link)
Postdoktor i marin biogeokjemiVi ønsker at du skal være trygg når du bruker dette nettstedet. Vi benytter cookies for å sikre at du får en best mulig brukeropplevelse og for å hente inn statistikk slik at vi kan analysere hvordan nettstedet ... |
Norway - Europe,
(Ext Link)
Forskar i jordsystemmodell prediksjon... |
Norway - Europe,
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