We couldn’t find what you were looking for, but here are some previous jobs that matched your criteria

Tour Du Valat

Coordinator, Mediterranean Wetlands Initiative (MedWet)

Status: Open (currently receiving applications)   Vacancy #: 706 Unit: Ramsar Convention on Wetlands Organization: Mediterranean Wetlands Initiative (MedWet) Location: Mediterranean Wetlands Initiative ...
France South - Europe,
Tour Du Valat

Postdoc on Crayfish

2500 € gross salary,
Postdoc on CrayfishDate limite de dépôt des candidatures : 18/12/2009 Mission :In the framework of our new Louisiana Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) project in Camargue, we propose a 24 months post-doc contract, in order to assess the ...
France South - Europe,
Tour Du Valat

Call for Consultants Wetlands International/Tour du Valat

Référence : Call for Consultants Wetlands International/Tour du ValatDate limite de dépôt des candidatures : 04/08/2008 Mission :In the framework of the project "Engaging Civil Society in Water Management in the ...
Turkey - Europe,
Tour Du Valat

La Tour du Valat recherche un(e) Chargé(e) de communication pour un remplacement maternité.

2000 € bruts/mois
La Tour du Valat recherche un(e) « Chargé(e) de communication » pour un remplacement maternité. Placé(e) sous la responsabilité du Directeur Général, vous aurez comme principales missions Le ...
France South - Europe,
Tour Du Valat

Collaboration with Ph.D. students, student interns, and volunteers

Collaboration with Ph.D. students, student interns, and volunteers The ecological studies undertaken by the Tour du Valat in the Rhone delta, and more generally in the Mediterranean region, are often the chance for students, Ph.D. students, and ...
France South - Europe,