environment jobs Est. in 1994. Delivering Environment Jobs for 31 years
Climatologist - Climate and Oceans Support Programme in the Pacific Phase 3Position Advertised Internationally (EPAI) This job exists to: • Support the Pacific Meteorological Desk Partnership (PMDP) and Pacific Island National Meteorological Services (NMS). • Maintain ... |
Samoa - Australasia,
(Ext Link)
Communications Officer - Climate and Oceans Support Programme in the Pacific Phase 3Position Advertised Internationally (EPAI) This job exists to: • Develop communications products related to the COSPPac Climate tools • Facilitate and assist NMHS to develop national communication ... |
Samoa - Australasia,
(Ext Link)
Director, Biodiversity Conservation and Fiji Office (DBCF)This job exists to: • Provide strategic leadership, direction, and oversight of SPREP’s Biodiversity Conservation Programme. • Manage the SPREP Fiji Office and lead SPREP’s strategic ... |
Fiji - Australasia,
(Ext Link)