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The National Renewable Energy Laboratory - NREL - is the only federal laboratory dedicated to the research, development, commercialization and deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies.

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Establishment of Small Wind Regional Test Centers: Preprint.

Title: Establishment of Small Wind Regional Test Centers: Preprint. Author: Jimenez, T.; Forsyth, T.; Huskey, A.; Mendoza, I.; Sinclair, K.; Smith, J. Pages/Volumes: 9 pp. Publication Year: 2011 Document Type: Conference Paper NTIS/GPO Number: ...
Colorado - America North,
Expires in 9579 Day/s

Efficient Products Federal Agencies Must Buy (Revised) (Fact Sheet). Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP).

Title: Efficient Products Federal Agencies Must Buy (Revised) (Fact Sheet). Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP). Pages/Volumes: 2 pp. Publication Year: 2011 Notes: Supercedes previous August 2010 version.. Document Type: Factsheet, Flyer, ...
Colorado - America North,
Expires in 9579 Day/s

Solar Powering Your Community: A Guide for Local Governments; Second Edition. Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE). (2011).

Title: Solar Powering Your Community: A Guide for Local Governments; Second Edition. Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE). Pages/Volumes: 172 pp. Publication Year: 2011 Document Type: Book, Booklet, Conference Proceedings NTIS/GPO ...
Colorado - America North,
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Monitoring EERE's Recovery Act Portfolio (Fact Sheet). Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE). (2011).

Title: Monitoring EERE's Recovery Act Portfolio (Fact Sheet). Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy (EERE). Pages/Volumes: 2 pp. Publication Year: 2011 Document Type: Factsheet, Flyer, Pamphlet Subject Code Description: Energy Efficiency and ...
Colorado - America North,
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Gas Storage Water Heaters, Purchasing Specifications for Energy-Efficient Products (Revised) (Fact Sheet). Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP). (2011).

Title: Gas Storage Water Heaters, Purchasing Specifications for Energy-Efficient Products (Revised) (Fact Sheet). Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP). Pages/Volumes: 2 pp. Publication Year: 2011 Notes: Supercedes March 2011 version.. ...
Colorado - America North,
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SunLine Transit Agency Advanced Technology Fuel Cell Bus Evaluation: First Results Report

Title: SunLine Transit Agency Advanced Technology Fuel Cell Bus Evaluation: First Results Report. Author: Eudy, L.; Chandler, K. Pages/Volumes: 37 pp. Publication Year: 2011 Document Type: Research Report NTIS/GPO Number: 1010450 Subject Code ...
Colorado - America North,
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Accelerated Stress Testing of Hydrocarbon-Based Encapsulants for Medium-Concentration CPV Applications.

Title: Accelerated Stress Testing of Hydrocarbon-Based Encapsulants for Medium-Concentration CPV Applications. Author: Kempe, M. D.; Moricone, T. J.; Kilkenny, M.; Zhang, J. Z. Pages/Volumes: 10 pp. Publication Year: 2011 Notes: 34th IEEE ...
Colorado - America North,
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