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Wildlife Trust of India

A rapid assessment of the Human-Elephant Conflict in Chhattisgarh

ELEPHANTS IN EXILEA rapid assessment of the Human-Elephant Conflict in ChhattisgarhLarge-scale open-cast mining is one of the prime reasons for the destruction of elephant habitat in Jharkhand. As a result, the elephants from such dispossessed ...
India (North) - Asia & M East,
Expires in 9435 Day/s
Wildlife Trust of India

An investigation into carnivore-human conflict in and around Itanagar Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal Pradesh

DOG AND BULLAn investigation into carnivore-human conflict in and around Itanagar Wildlife Sanctuary, Arunachal PradeshGlobally, carnivores face many threats including habitat modification and fragmentation, diminishing prey base, poaching for skin, ...
India (North) - Asia & M East,
Expires in 9435 Day/s
Wildlife Trust of India

A scientific approach to understanding and mitigating elephant mortality due to train hits in Assam

DEADLY TRACKSA scientific approach to understanding and mitigating elephant mortality due to train hits in AssamRailways and highways are a source of wildlife mortality throughout the world. At least thirty-five elephants lost their life due to ...
India (North) - Asia & M East,
Expires in 9435 Day/s
Wildlife Trust of India

Search for the Malabar Civet (Viverra civettina) in Kerala and Karnataka

CIVET CHRONICLES Search for the Malabar Civet (Viverra civettina) in Kerala and KarnatakaConsidered among the rarest of Indian mammals, the mysterious Malabar civet (Viverra civettina) has proven a challenging subject to ...
India (South) - Asia & M East,
Expires in 9435 Day/s
Wildlife Trust of India

Conservation strategy for sarus crane (Grus antigone) habitats in Etawah and Mainpuri districts, Uttar Pradesh

CRANE CAPITALConservation strategy for sarus crane (Grus antigone) habitats in Etawah and Mainpuri districts, Uttar Pradesh The Sarus is one of India’s most charismatic yet threatened birds. This WTI report chronicles the fight through ...
India (North) - Asia & M East,
Expires in 9435 Day/s
Wildlife Trust of India

Health and Management of Captive Elephants in Jaipur

CAPTIVE CONCERNSHealth and Management of Captive Elephants in Jaipur Of the 5000 captive elephants in India, a 100-odd live in the city of Jaipur, catering to tourists, under conditions that are greatly different from their natural habitat. ...
India (North) - Asia & M East,
Expires in 9435 Day/s
Wildlife Trust of India

Popularisation of alternatives to dolphin oil among fishermen for the conservation of the Ganges river dolphin (Platanista gangetica) in Bihar

BAIT AND WATCHPopularisation of alternatives to dolphin oil among fishermen for the conservation of the Ganges river dolphin (Platanista gangetica) in BiharThe endangered Ganges River Dolphin, already threatened with extinction due to shrinking ...
India (North) - Asia & M East,
Expires in 9435 Day/s
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