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Tigers Alive Initiative - Research into the consumption of tiger prey and links to tiger conservation landscapes

Sectors Ecology Aquatic & Terrestrial Conservation
Location Worldwide - Flexible - Worldwide
Salary (Minimum)
Salary (Maximum)
Type Temporary / Contract / Seasonal
Status Part Time / Per Day
Level Senior Level
Deadline 12/01/2024
Company Name WWF Tigers Alive
Contact Name Tom Gray, Heather Sohl
Email tgray@wwf-tigers.org, hsohl@wwf-tigers.org
Website Further Details / Applications
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 Tigers Alive Initiative

Project title: Research into the consumption of tiger prey and links to tiger conservation landscapes

Position type: Consultancy

Position start: January 2024

Position End : March 2024

Total days required: 14 days

Pay: To be negotiated based on projected time commitment 

Application Deadline: 5pm (UTC) 12 January 2024



WWF’s goal is that by 2034 wild tiger populations and distribution are increasing or stable in 22 tiger landscapes across existing and historic range. See WWF Tigers Alive Initiative Strategy 2023-2034 here.


The exploitation of tigers and their prey is a major threat to wild tigers, for which we need strengthening of anti-poaching efforts, curbing of trafficking, and reducing of consumer demand. The consumption of wild meat from tiger prey species is driving the decline of their populations and thus impacting tiger recovery. The new WWF Tiger Conservation Strategy for 2023-2034, includes an increased focus on reducing wild meat consumption of tiger prey species particularly medium-large ungulates (wild pig, deer, wild cattle). This will work parallel to on-the-ground efforts to maintain or increase tiger prey density and thus help sustain or increase tiger populations in their priority landscapes.


There have been significant advances in understanding how to effectively change consumers’ behaviour through social and behaviour change (SBC) approaches to reduce demand for wildlife, however, there has been limited application of these in relation to specifically targeting the consumption of tiger prey species, e.g. Zero Wild Meat campaign.  The behaviour change approaches implemented in our new strategy will be context specific and may be applied in both urban and rural settings dependent upon our understanding of patterns and drivers of prey consumption. 


Our target outcome is that by 2034 demand for tiger prey is reduced by 50% in at least five key consumer segments impacting five priority tiger landscapes.


We are seeking a consultant/researcher to analyse tiger prey demand patterns impacting tiger recovery.  This information will be used to design and implement robust SBC and / or awareness raising campaigns targeting key consumer segments.



Desired Outputs

  1. A draft report providing:
  • an understanding of the human consumption patterns of ungulate tiger prey species in South and Southeast Asian Tiger Range Countries
  • identification, and justification of, priority tiger landscapes where tiger recovery is constrained by current patterns of human consumption of ungulate tiger prey
  • where possible, share information obtained about SBC and awareness raising campaigns by WWF and others that have targeted these species in the last five years;
  • recommendations on key consumer markets (urban or rural) where demand reduction and behaviour change efforts by WWF could have the greatest impact on tiger prey populations.

        2. A virtual meeting and presentation to the WWF Tigers Alive core team and the WWF Network Tiger Prey Demand Reduction Working                          Group to present the findings of the draft report, and collect and discuss feedback.

       3. A final written report, in Word, based on the draft report and WWF’s feedback and a PowerPoint presentation                                                             summary. This will be for WWF’s internal use.

Consultancy activities:  

  • Desk-based research into reports and literature by WWF, other conservation organisations, research and academic institutions, and others, to meet the above needs.
  • Interview experts via Zoom/similar to expand and provide more detail on the results of the desk-based research.
  • Produce a draft report with the findings of the research.
  • Present the findings of the draft report at a virtual meeting with key WWF staff, discussing and incorporating comments, as appropriate, to inform the final report.
  • Produce a final report in Word and presentation in PowerPoint meeting the above requirements.

Estimated time required:

  • Desk-based literature research– 8 days
  • Expert interviews – 2 days
  • Prepare and present draft report at WWF virtual meeting – 1 day
  • Revise draft and produce final report – 3 days


Total estimated time = 14 days. It is expected that the consultant would work part-time on this project over the course of approximately two months. 


Skills and experience required of consultant:  

  • A good understanding of Asian wild meat trade and consumption, and conservation activities related to this, are preferable.
  • A good understanding of social and behaviour change and demand reduction approaches is preferable.
  • Strong research skills in desk-based literature review and interviews.
  • Demonstrated ability to collate information from diverse sources and author concise research reports and documents.   
  • Good English language writing and communication skills.
  • Demonstrated ability to work quickly in consultation with a wider team on the production of research documents, plans or strategies.
  • Have sound understanding of the cultural and political sensitivities of working in Asia.To apply: To apply for this position please send a cover letter and C.V. to Tom Gray, Tiger Recovery Lead, (tgray@wwf-tigers.org) and Heather Sohl, WWF Tiger Trade Lead hsohl@wwf-tigers.org)
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