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Social Scientist x2 (Roslin, Farnham and Bristol)

Reference Reference number: 229163
Sectors Conservation & Ecology
Location England (South East) - UK
Town/City Farnham,
Salary Additional Information £27,235 - £29,577 / Fixed Term
Salary (Minimum)
Salary (Maximum)
Type Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status Full Time
Level Mid Level
Deadline 11/09/2022
Company Name Forest Research
Contact Name
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Also Listing:

Appointments to Forest Research are made at the entry level of the salary quoted above except in exceptional circumstances where a candidate's experience and skills may justify a higher starting salary.

Contract type: Fixed Term

Length of employment: This is a fixed term appointment for 3 years, after which there might be the possibility of permanency but there is no guarantee.

Working pattern: Full-time

Location: This role can be based at either of the Forest Research stations: Alice Holt, Farnham, GU10 4LH or Roslin, Midlothian, EH25 9SY or at the Forestry Commission's National Office in Bristol, BS16 1EJ with blended working which gives the option to work some of the week from home, and some of the week from the workplace. Please be aware that this role can only be worked in the UK and not overseas.

Closing date: 11 September 2022.

Forest Research (FR) is the research agency of the Forestry Commission, and a world leader in applied forest science and a trusted and recognised provider of expertise, data, products and services for governments and the tree, wood, forest and natural resource sectors. Please explore www.forestresearch.gov.uk to find out more information about our organisation.

The postholder will be a member of the Society and Environment Research Group (SERG) within the Centre for Forest Management. Programmes within the Centre focus strongly on interdisciplinary research, using a mix of disciplines within FR to address some of the many complex social and environmental problems facing those concerned with Britain’s trees woods and forests.

SERG is a busy, dynamic and agile group involved in a suite of projects that develop scientific understanding and practical advice on a range of social, cultural and governance issues relating to the use, engagement and management of Britain's trees and forests. The team currently comprises thirteen social scientists. SERG researchers focus on three broad thematic work areas:

Wellbeing and woodlands: including research on the health benefits of woodlands; social and cultural value of trees and woods; motivations and benefits of volunteering; impacts of education and learning in forest environments

Land managers' behaviours: including research on land manager’s decision making for woodland creation and management, adaptation and resilience; the impacts of community woodlands and social enterprises; land manager engagement in policy and governance

Social dimensions of tree health: including research on: behaviours of public and stakeholders in tree and plant supply chains and pathways; acceptability of pest management measures; stakeholder perceptions of risks and resilience.

The group works on several cross-cutting research issues including: urban forestry, climate change and society, public engagement with woods, forest and nature, evaluation of behaviour change interventions and integration of research knowledge into policy and practice. SERG researchers are encouraged to apply their own research interests and skills to the broad themes and issues above.  As well as delivering high quality evidence and applied outputs direct to research commissioners, the group has a strong publishing record in a range of high impact social science, policy related and forestry journals.


Key Work Areas

Work collaboratively within SERG and with scientists across FR and its partners to develop research plans, surveys and interview guides, and protocols for gathering and reviewing evidence

Assist with collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data using descriptive and inferential statistics, and thematic analysis

Contribute to the interpretation of data

Communicate findings through outputs including scientific publications, technical reports, research summaries, website and social media content, and presentations

Contribute to project management of contracts for research and evaluation

Assist with business development activities, working with SERG and colleagues to identify, develop and submit proposals for new research projects and scientific collaborations.


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