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Estates Support Officer

Sectors Conservation & Ecology
Location England (South East) - UK
Salary Additional Information Up to £23,000 per year dependant on skills and experience
Salary (Minimum)
Salary (Maximum)
Type Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status Full Time
Level First Level
Deadline 01/10/2023
Company Name Kent Wildlife Trust
Contact Name
Website Further Details / Applications
Kent Wildlife Trust  logo
Directory Entry : Kent Wildlife Trust is the leading conservation charity for the county of Kent. If you are interested in a job with the Trust, please visit their career page. For other conservation jobs visit www.environmentjobs.co.uk or www.environmentjobs.com
Also Listing:

Job Title: Estates Support Officer

Contract type: Permanent

Hours: Full time

Closing Date: 1st October 2023 at 5pm

Interview Date: 12th October 2023

Salary: Up to £23,000 per year dependant on skills and experience

Based at: Tyland Barn

Globally and nationally wildlife is in steep decline. We appear to be reaching critical tipping points around the loss of biodiversity as well as around climate change, both being interlinked. Human society cannot prosper without wildlife and healthy ecosystems. 

Kent’s wildlife needs to be restored to much higher levels. We can no longer allow common things to become rare. We can only do this by restoring large-scale habitat from degraded land. Doing this will contribute to solving global problems. But we won’t be able to do this unless we publicly aspire to a higher level of impact and show that we can deliver this.

This is an exciting opportunity to join Kent Wildlife Trusts’ estates team at the forefront of this challenge; to support them in their delivery of management on over 85 nature reserves in the county, helping to make Kent a better place for wildlife.

The role will involve working closely with the senior staff in the estates team on a range of activities, including assisting with land acquisitions, applications and claims on a number of schemes, organising training for staff and volunteers and having a general overview of works and activities taking place on the nature reserves.

You will need to be highly organised, efficient and take ownership of tasks; have impeccable communication and prioritisation with a common-sense approach. You will be expected to work alongside the estates team, getting to know the team, understand their specific needs and provide support accordingly. Please see the full job description for more information.

 Contact details: 

If you would like to discuss the post further, please email Simon Bateman-Brown at simon.bateman-brown@kentwildlife.org.uk

For an application pack and to apply, visit our website at www.kentwildlifetrust.org.uk.

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