Development and design of the Heartlands Initiative report
Supervised by: Thomas Gray
Work location: Remote - Asia
Duration: 3 months
- 1. Background
50 New Tiger Heartlands: Creating and securing sites essential for doubling wild tiger numbers Protecting the places where tigers live and breed is the backbone of the TX2 recovery strategy. The most important sites to protect are those that are—or have the potential to become—breeding grounds, allowing tigers to disperse across larger landscapes. We call these sites “heartlands.” The goal of this high-impact initiative was to secure 50 new tiger heartlands by 2022. It was designed to accelerate progress and ensure success in those sites most critical for tiger population expansion. This initiative, which is a pivotal element of this phase of the TAI strategy, started in 2018 and will end in 2023.
- 2. Objective of the Report
Final reporting for the initiative completed including - data consolidation, report write up and design of infographics.
Within the 5 year time period of the initiative time, it was not (in many cases) possible to measure or describe ongoing significant change in tiger or prey recovery. At the beginning of the heartlands effort, however, a baseline of management effectiveness for each site was established, so that towards the culmination of the effort in 2023 it would be possible to measure the change over the entire period. Hence, proxies for monitoring progress within the Initiative period were used. The main proxy will be the status of the site’s management as measured by the CA|TS standards.
A baseline measurement of protected-area management effectiveness has been taken through a CA|TS “Lite” assessment for each site. The results of this assessment indicate how well each site currently meets the CA|TS standards. The “Lite” assessment is essentially an abridged version of CA|TS that allows for a rapid assessment of a site.
In close coordination with the team, the Consultant will undertake the following activities:
- To work with focal points in the Tigers Alive Initiative team who will manage the coordination with tiger range countries to produce a closing report for the Heartlands Initiative
- To coordinate with the Tigers Alive Initiative relevant team members and Heartlands Initiative leads to finalise content
- To design at least three infographics for key elements and “successes”
- To produce (write and design) at least three geographically representative success stories to reflect the impact of the initiative
- To design a high quality, infographic heavy report for external and internal distribution on the impact of the initiative
- 3. Methodology
To achieve the scope of work above, the consultant will undertake the following tasks/process:
- Task 1 - Write the report and compile data cohesively into it (Tigers Alive focal points will have collected and analysed the data)
- Task 2- Design infographics with data collected
- Task 3- Receive sign off from Tigers Alive team (Tigers Alive team to receive sign off from tiger range countries)
- Design - Design a digital report
- 4. Timeline
To achieve the assignment, the consultant is expected to produce the following deliverables:
Expected outputs
Coordinate with TAI for information and content
Content to compare investment vs impact
Feb 2023
Write Report
Compile and write up report based on analysed data and stories
March 2023
Design infographics
Based on the content above design infographics
March 2023
Design report
Design report for consultation with TAI team
March/April 2023
Final report
After a debriefing meeting with TAI, consultant to finalise report for external and internal distribution
April 2023
- 5. Requirements
The consultant needs to meet the following requirements
- Considerable experience in creating content for reports
- Considerable experience in designing infographic
Considerable experience in software and tools used to design final report for distribution