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Air Quality Strategy and Policy Lead

Sectors Sustainability, Climate, Environment Management
Location England (London & Greater) - UK
Salary Additional Information £53,799 - £56,868 per annum
Salary (Minimum)
Salary (Maximum)
Type Fixed Term and Permanent Roles
Status Full Time
Level Senior Level
Deadline 31/10/2023
Company Name London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham
Contact Name
Website Further Details / Applications
London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham logo
Also Listing:

Air Quality Strategy and Policy Lead

London Borough Hammersmith and Fulham

£53,799 - £56,868 per annum
3 Shortlands, London, W6 8DA
Permanent, Fulltime

Ref: LBHF611073

At Hammersmith & Fulham, we are ambitious in reforming the council to ensure this is a place for everybody. Within the Environment Department, we offer a wide range of services to help make the borough an attractive place, one that is safe, clean and green and one in which our residents take pride.

Hammersmith and Fulham Council declared a climate and ecological emergency in 2019 and have set an ambitious net zero carbon emissions by 2030 target. The Council aims to be a leader amongst local authorities on environmental issues and the Climate and Ecological Emergency Unit is responsible for developing and delivering the Council’s response to the climate and ecological emergency, including poor air quality. 

This role within the Council’s Climate Team is an opportunity to lead on air quality, developing the strategies, policies, programmes and projects required to address poor air quality. The borough of Hammersmith and Fulham is in an air quality management area and is required to develop air quality action plans and implement initiatives to tackle pollution. 

You’ll help to design and implement projects and solutions to achieve this, working with colleagues across the Council particularly in Climate Change, Transport, Highways, Housing and Planning. You will work with partners in the wider borough such as Imperial College London and Imperial NHS Trust to influence actions and behaviours that contribute to poor air quality. We’re looking for someone who is passionate about tackling the air quality and climate crises and who can influence the way we live, work and travel in the borough to make a real difference.  

You’ll need to have strong knowledge and understanding of air quality, pollutants, health implications, engaging residents and businesses, and the wider policy context around air quality. You’ll need to have the ability to lead this area of work, engage stakeholders, advise senior officers and councillors, and apply principles in a practical setting.

You’ll have good quantitative skills including data analysis and be a fast learner with a willingness to continually develop, keep up to date with the air quality and climate change agenda and work with partners to deliver energy services for our residents.

Please refer to the Role Profile for more information.

Role Responsibilities:

This purpose of this role is to effectively lead change across the council and borough to address air pollution, and to manage the council’s work to improve air quality.

Contact details for informal discussion: Hinesh Mehta, Assistant Director Climate Change via email at HINESH.MEHTA@LBHF.GOV.UK

Closing date: 31st October 2023
Interview date: To be confirmed.

If you are interested in this role, click here to apply now.

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