Environmentjobs.com - Environmental News https://www.environmentjobs.com/news.asp The latest news from Environmental Jobs en-gb 24/01/2025 09:15:49 Young want green jobs, and article by The Ecologist This is an intersting article by the Ecologist magazine. A survey of 1,000 people aged 18 to 34 found 50 percent wanted a job in the green econom... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=288&news=Young want green jobs, and article by The Ecologist https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=288&news=Young want green jobs, and article by The Ecologist 08/10/2020 Can Britain create a 'green jobs revolution'? Well if you want some financial weight and knowledge behind the concept of creating green jobs, look no further than this report by the Financial Time... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=289&news=Can Britain create a 'green jobs revolution'? https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=289&news=Can Britain create a 'green jobs revolution'? 08/10/2020 Snapshot of the Environmentjobs.com site today A snopshot of the site today shows a real upturn in the number and variety of jobs being listed. There are Wildlife and Conservation jobs, Ecology Jo... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=286&news=Snapshot of the Environmentjobs.com site today https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=286&news=Snapshot of the Environmentjobs.com site today 02/10/2020 Snapshot of the Environmentjobs.co.uk site today And a snapshot of the UK dedicated site environmentjobs.co.uk Global Witness Featured Job Director of Campaigns Global Witness £90,201 For ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=287&news=Snapshot of the Environmentjobs.co.uk site today https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=287&news=Snapshot of the Environmentjobs.co.uk site today 02/10/2020 What about a job working with Barn Owls? Great article here from The Barn Owl Trust on how to get a job with them. Although this is a very small orgnisation and jobs are very infrequent. It... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=285&news=What about a job working with Barn Owls? https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=285&news=What about a job working with Barn Owls? 30/09/2020 What a great article from BSG regarding how to become a Graduate Ecologist Ecological consultancies vary in the way in which they are structured and the nature of the work they target. Some recruit large numbers of recent gr... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=284&news=What a great article from BSG regarding how to become a Graduate Ecologist https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=284&news=What a great article from BSG regarding how to become a Graduate Ecologist 29/09/2020 Snapshot of Environment Jobs today Middlemarch Environmental Featured Job Executive Director – Middlemarch Environmental Ltd Middlemarch Environmental Middlemarch Environmental ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=283&news=Snapshot of Environment Jobs today https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=283&news=Snapshot of Environment Jobs today 24/09/2020 Snapshot of Environment Jobs today Middlemarch Environmental Featured Job Executive Director – Middlemarch Environmental Ltd Middlemarch Environmental Middlemarch Environmental ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=281&news=Snapshot of Environment Jobs today https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=281&news=Snapshot of Environment Jobs today 22/09/2020 The Green Economy and Job Creation: Inclusion of People with Disabilities An Interesting US based study of real interest. We would like to know if there is any similsr study done in the UK too? Here is some of the introd... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=282&news=The Green Economy and Job Creation: Inclusion of People with Disabilities https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=282&news=The Green Economy and Job Creation: Inclusion of People with Disabilities 22/09/2020 Snapshot of site today Middlemarch Environmental Featured Job Executive Director – Middlemarch Environmental Ltd Middlemarch Environmental Middlemarch Environmental ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=280&news=Snapshot of site today https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=280&news=Snapshot of site today 17/09/2020 Snapshot of site today Middlemarch Environmental Featured Job Executive Director – Middlemarch Environmental Ltd Middlemarch Environmental Middlemarch Environmental ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=279&news=Snapshot of site today https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=279&news=Snapshot of site today 10/09/2020 Learning for the Future: Educating Career Fisheries and Wildlife Professionals, Published By: Mammal Society of Japan 2016 This is such an interesting piece of research from 2016. If you are a graduate interested in working in wildlife conservation then this is very valua... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=278&news=Learning for the Future: Educating Career Fisheries and Wildlife Professionals, Published By: Mammal Society of Japan 2016 https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=278&news=Learning for the Future: Educating Career Fisheries and Wildlife Professionals, Published By: Mammal Society of Japan 2016 10/09/2020 Interested in jobs in Marine Ecology? Leatherback turtle spotted in the Hebrides in rare sighting A leatherback turtle was spotted this weekend by the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust. True ocean wanderers, these turtles are rare visitors to the U... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=276&news=Interested in jobs in Marine Ecology? Leatherback turtle spotted in the Hebrides in rare sighting https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=276&news=Interested in jobs in Marine Ecology? Leatherback turtle spotted in the Hebrides in rare sighting 09/09/2020 Green Party proposes $1 billion environment package to create nature-based jobs The NewsHub reported that the NZ Green Party is calling for a $1 billion environment package to create nature-based jobs to help New Zealand recover f... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=273&news=Green Party proposes $1 billion environment package to create nature-based jobs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=273&news=Green Party proposes $1 billion environment package to create nature-based jobs 27/08/2020 Willdlife Conservation Jobs Is there an increase in Wildlife Conservation Jobs now that we are moving out of lockdown for the UK? There is definately a slight improvement with... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=274&news=Willdlife Conservation Jobs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=274&news=Willdlife Conservation Jobs 27/08/2020 Snapshot of the job board today Natural Resources Wales Conservation Land Management Team Member Natural Resources Wales This appointment is an opportunity to join the Land Ma... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=275&news=Snapshot of the job board today https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=275&news=Snapshot of the job board today 27/08/2020 Here is a punchy title by the Univ of Manchester - Environmental Work Im not sure that there is much information that is useful today. But its still worth a read particularly if you are starting off on the journey of fi... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=272&news=Here is a punchy title by the Univ of Manchester - Environmental Work https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=272&news=Here is a punchy title by the Univ of Manchester - Environmental Work 25/08/2020 Leonard plans Green New Deal to create jobs Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard launched his vision for a Green New Deal for Scotland which he says could create more than 130,000 jobs. Ea... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=270&news=Leonard plans Green New Deal to create jobs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=270&news=Leonard plans Green New Deal to create jobs 21/08/2020 Snapshot of environmental jobs on the board today Interesting to see today that there is a very big jump in the number of international wildlife charities listing roles at environmentjobs.com this wee... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=271&news=Snapshot of environmental jobs on the board today https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=271&news=Snapshot of environmental jobs on the board today 21/08/2020 How many green jobs are there in the US? This is a realy interesting freport by Grantham 2018.... According to a new report from the International Renewable Energy Agency there are 10.3 mi... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=268&news=How many green jobs are there in the US? https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=268&news=How many green jobs are there in the US? 11/08/2020 A national and Regional Green Jobs Assessment, by Brookings, US This is a 2011 study, but very in depth. It will be interesting to see what has since happened during that time, up until the Corvid pandemic, and wh... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=269&news=A national and Regional Green Jobs Assessment, by Brookings, US https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=269&news=A national and Regional Green Jobs Assessment, by Brookings, US 11/08/2020 Snapshot of the Job Board today Very strong growth of environmental jobs within europe this week. Open Society Foundations Featured Job Head of Climate Advocacy Open Society Fo... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=267&news=Snapshot of the Job Board today https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=267&news=Snapshot of the Job Board today 06/08/2020 Government announces £40 million green jobs challenge fund Plans to create thousands of new jobs to kick-start the nation's green recovery from the coronavirus pandemic were unveiled by the government today. ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=266&news=Government announces £40 million green jobs challenge fund https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=266&news=Government announces £40 million green jobs challenge fund 03/08/2020 Sustainable development, decent work and green jobs- International Labour Conference of 2013 Again, yes this is an ageing document, but what a fascinating document as a tool for a retrospective look into what was envisaged, and what actually o... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=263&news=Sustainable development, decent work and green jobs- International Labour Conference of 2013 https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=263&news=Sustainable development, decent work and green jobs- International Labour Conference of 2013 29/07/2020 Environmental sustainability and decent work! This is really an interesting start to this paper and very pertinent in light of the rapidly changing environment due to the effects of coronavirus. ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=264&news=Environmental sustainability and decent work! https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=264&news=Environmental sustainability and decent work! 29/07/2020 Policy brief March 2015 Looking for green jobs: the impact of green growth on employment - a 2015 report Although obviously dated, this 2015 report offers some interesting information, and now five years later it stands as a good tool to provide guide to ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=262&news=Policy brief March 2015 Looking for green jobs: the impact of green growth on employment - a 2015 report https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=262&news=Policy brief March 2015 Looking for green jobs: the impact of green growth on employment - a 2015 report 24/07/2020 Review of our job-board on 23/7/20 - snapshot For future reference for environmental jobs.... Open Society Foundations Featured Job Head of Climate Advocacy Open Society Foundations Compe... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=260&news=Review of our job-board on 23/7/20 - snapshot https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=260&news=Review of our job-board on 23/7/20 - snapshot 23/07/2020 Uprooted by Climate Change is afascinating insight by Save the Children Climate change is already forcing people from their land and homes, and putting many more at risk of displacement in the future. Supercharged storms, ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=261&news=Uprooted by Climate Change is afascinating insight by Save the Children https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=261&news=Uprooted by Climate Change is afascinating insight by Save the Children 23/07/2020 Another Look at Environment Jobs and the Jobs Market...Good and Bad This is an article posted at GreenMatch.co.uk... What Is the Impact of the Green Jobs Movement on the Labour Market? Debating Both Sides of th... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=258&news=Another Look at Environment Jobs and the Jobs Market...Good and Bad https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=258&news=Another Look at Environment Jobs and the Jobs Market...Good and Bad 20/07/2020 What jobs were being listed on 20/7/20...a snapshot for future ref: What jobs were being listed on 20/7/20...a snapshot for future ref: Open Society Foundations Featured Job Head of Climate Advocacy Open Society ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=259&news=What jobs were being listed on 20/7/20...a snapshot for future ref: https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=259&news=What jobs were being listed on 20/7/20...a snapshot for future ref: 20/07/2020 An Alternative View to Green Developments? Green New Deal Is Bad Deal for All Americans Well this is certainly an alternative view on things. Worth a read if you want to see how the opposing view to green jobs and environmental protectio... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=257&news=An Alternative View to Green Developments? Green New Deal Is Bad Deal for All Americans https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=257&news=An Alternative View to Green Developments? Green New Deal Is Bad Deal for All Americans 20/07/2020 Characterising Green Employment: The impacts of "greening" on workforce composition This paper estimates the share of jobs in the US that would benefit from a transition to the green economy, and presents different measures for the ea... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=250&news=Characterising Green Employment: The impacts of "greening" on workforce composition https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=250&news=Characterising Green Employment: The impacts of "greening" on workforce composition 15/07/2020 The number of Jobs dependent on the Environment and Resource Efficiency improvements by ECORYS This is a very interesting study into environmental jobs and well worth a read. Spanning 94 pages there is a lot of good information here: The Exe... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=251&news=The number of Jobs dependent on the Environment and Resource Efficiency improvements by ECORYS https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=251&news=The number of Jobs dependent on the Environment and Resource Efficiency improvements by ECORYS 15/07/2020 Environmental Jobs on the site this week Environmental Jobs on the site this week..... Urban Green Newcastle Featured Job Parks Estate Manager Urban Green Newcastle Full-time - Perma... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=252&news=Environmental Jobs on the site this week https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=252&news=Environmental Jobs on the site this week 15/07/2020 Environmental Jobs at environmentjobs.co.uk this week Environmental Jobs at environmentjobs.co.uk this week Urban Green Newcastle Featured Job Parks Estate Manager Urban Green Newcastle Full-time... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=253&news=Environmental Jobs at environmentjobs.co.uk this week https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=253&news=Environmental Jobs at environmentjobs.co.uk this week 15/07/2020 Skills for green jobs: 2018 update by CEDEFOP This very interesting study from 2018 looks at the she shift to a low-carbon economy implies structural changes across sectors and occupations as new ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=254&news=Skills for green jobs: 2018 update by CEDEFOP https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=254&news=Skills for green jobs: 2018 update by CEDEFOP 15/07/2020 How many green jobs are there in the US? This is a fantastci 2018 article looking at how many green jobs are there in the US. Published in May 2018 the report starts off by stating that ac... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=255&news=How many green jobs are there in the US? https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=255&news=How many green jobs are there in the US? 15/07/2020 Teaching about Green and Environmental Careers This is a great article by CEGNET. Its a really useful look at green jobs and teaching the future generation. It dates back to 2015 but is a useful ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=249&news=Teaching about Green and Environmental Careers https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=249&news=Teaching about Green and Environmental Careers 08/07/2020 Green Jobs: Impacts of a Green Economy on Employment This is a really excellent piece of research from 2015. Here is some of the Executive Summary.... Not only should the reduction of emissions and ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=247&news=Green Jobs: Impacts of a Green Economy on Employment https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=247&news=Green Jobs: Impacts of a Green Economy on Employment 07/07/2020 The Conclusion to the Green Jobs: Impacts of a Green Economy on Employment Conclusion As mentioned above, the methods presented provide 'ideal' descriptions which can, in practice, be combined and adapted in different wa... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=248&news=The Conclusion to the Green Jobs: Impacts of a Green Economy on Employment https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=248&news=The Conclusion to the Green Jobs: Impacts of a Green Economy on Employment 07/07/2020 Green Jobs: Progress Report 2014-2015 As part of our eim to collate as many news items on green and environmental jobs, here is an excellent article from the International Labour Organisat... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=244&news=Green Jobs: Progress Report 2014-2015 https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=244&news=Green Jobs: Progress Report 2014-2015 06/07/2020 The Green Jobs Programme of the ILO Following on, the ILO also published another article "The Green Jobs Programme of the ILO" available here https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/green-jobs... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=245&news=The Green Jobs Programme of the ILO https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=245&news=The Green Jobs Programme of the ILO 06/07/2020 Jobs and the Green Recovery A very timely article from Greenpeace available here https://www.greenpeace.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Jobs-and-the-green-recovery-briefing.pdf... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=246&news=Jobs and the Green Recovery https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=246&news=Jobs and the Green Recovery 06/07/2020 Green jobs and skills: the local labour market implications of addressing climate change This is a really interesting article from the OECD. SOURCED: Please cite this paper as:OECD/Martinez-Fernandez. C, Hinojosa C, Miranda G., ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=242&news=Green jobs and skills: the local labour market implications of addressing climate change https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=242&news=Green jobs and skills: the local labour market implications of addressing climate change 03/07/2020 Continuation of above article...Green Jobs Continued.... CFE/LEED(2010)430and private sector actorsin the Brussels Capital Region12. The region has putin place training programmes to increase the supply of t... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=243&news=Continuation of above article...Green Jobs Continued.... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=243&news=Continuation of above article...Green Jobs Continued.... 03/07/2020 Food, Farming and Environmental Jobs Interesting today that there should be two very high level roles in farming and the environment. One is with Garden Organic in Coventry who are looki... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=241&news=Food, Farming and Environmental Jobs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=241&news=Food, Farming and Environmental Jobs 30/06/2020 What is an Ecologist? By Birmingham University Here is a really useful article from Birmingham University.... What is an ecologist? Ecologists are concerned with ecosystems as a whole, the ab... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=240&news=What is an Ecologist? By Birmingham University https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=240&news=What is an Ecologist? By Birmingham University 29/06/2020 Environmental Internship This is a very interesting opportunity for those interested in travel and nature conservation, and perhaps looking for that all important paid experie... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=239&news=Environmental Internship https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=239&news=Environmental Internship 22/06/2020 Environment Jobs News So there has been a dramatic fall in the number of environmentjobs over the past few weeks. But there are signs that things are starting to get going... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=238&news=Environment Jobs News https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=238&news=Environment Jobs News 18/06/2020 Corvid and the Environmental Sectors With no end to the Corvid outbreak in immediate site, things within the environmental sector are still pretty much locked down. However, what a great... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=237&news=Corvid and the Environmental Sectors https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=237&news=Corvid and the Environmental Sectors 15/05/2020 How coronavirus is affecting the environmental consultancy market...asks the ENDS Report As the economic fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic continues, it is becoming clear that it is affecting different parts of the economy in different wa... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=236&news=How coronavirus is affecting the environmental consultancy market...asks the ENDS Report https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=236&news=How coronavirus is affecting the environmental consultancy market...asks the ENDS Report 01/05/2020 Environmental Jobs This Week Although we have still no idea how long this lockdown will continue to go on...there are still organisations that are continuing to recruit. Usuall... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=235&news=Environmental Jobs This Week https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=235&news=Environmental Jobs This Week 30/04/2020 careers in environmental conservation So we will use this above title to explore just how you go about getting a career within this profession. We will explore the different niches within... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=234&news=careers in environmental conservation https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=234&news=careers in environmental conservation 23/04/2020 Environment Jobs and the Coronavirus So the coronavirus is shutting down much of the world, but nature is thriving, so is air quality. Certain agencies are still recruiting, particular... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=233&news=Environment Jobs and the Coronavirus https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=233&news=Environment Jobs and the Coronavirus 20/04/2020 Environmental Jobs with UNDP So the UNDP are recruiting for several roles around the caribbean inlcuding Belize, Jamaica, St Lucia etc for gender/climate change roles. Take a loo... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=232&news=Environmental Jobs with UNDP https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=232&news=Environmental Jobs with UNDP 01/04/2020 Environmental Jobs during this difficult time Of course at the presnt time there are far fewer environmental roles being advertised. In fact, many emplorers are retracting their already listed ro... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=231&news=Environmental Jobs during this difficult time https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=231&news=Environmental Jobs during this difficult time 30/03/2020 Environment Jobs new Filter. Environmentjobs and Coronavirus! We have added a new feature to help your environmental job searches - a Filter area is now on the right hand side of the screen to help you drill down... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=229&news=Environment Jobs new Filter. Environmentjobs and Coronavirus! https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=229&news=Environment Jobs new Filter. Environmentjobs and Coronavirus! 25/03/2020 Environmental Jobs in Asia Although much of the world is stricken with Corvid 19, the environment around us is improving. Air quality is better and conservation areas are less ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=230&news=Environmental Jobs in Asia https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=230&news=Environmental Jobs in Asia 25/03/2020 Coronavirus: Air pollution and CO2 fall rapidly as virus spreads Levels of air pollutants and warming gases over some cities and regions are showing significant drops as coronavirus impacts work and travel. Resea... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=226&news=Coronavirus: Air pollution and CO2 fall rapidly as virus spreads https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=226&news=Coronavirus: Air pollution and CO2 fall rapidly as virus spreads 20/03/2020 The planet is getting a rest The planet is taking a well earned rest whilst travel bans and restriction of movement are in place. Whilst the situation is severe for the populatio... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=225&news=The planet is getting a rest https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=225&news=The planet is getting a rest 19/03/2020 Dont miss out, apply today We have some fantastic opportunities currently on our jobs board. With a wide variety of roles working for local councils: Parks and Green Spaces ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=224&news=Dont miss out, apply today https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=224&news=Dont miss out, apply today 17/03/2020 Ecological Jobs It is that time of year again when ecological consultancies once again start to recruit for ecologists for the spring surveys. Check out ecology role... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=222&news=Ecological Jobs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=222&news=Ecological Jobs 12/03/2020 High Level Environmental Vacancies this Week Ther are many high level roles coming in this week, particularly form local government, and government departments such as the Sustainability Energy a... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=223&news=High Level Environmental Vacancies this Week https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=223&news=High Level Environmental Vacancies this Week 12/03/2020 Will the water industry engage in its 'biggest ever rebellion against Ofwat' England & Scotland may often adopt different approaches to similar issues, being well-illustrated recently by strategic decisions taken by two water r... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=221&news=Will the water industry engage in its 'biggest ever rebellion against Ofwat' https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=221&news=Will the water industry engage in its 'biggest ever rebellion against Ofwat' 11/03/2020 Roles with four paws Two exciting roles with Four Paws this week on our sites. FOUR PAWS International, an animal welfare organisation founded in 1988 with the Headquar... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=219&news=Roles with four paws https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=219&news=Roles with four paws 04/03/2020 How can we increase biodiversity in our cities and mitigate the effects of climate change? If you have big ideas how we can increase biodiversity in our cities then we have the role for you this week. Research Lead - Urban Biodiversity wi... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=220&news=How can we increase biodiversity in our cities and mitigate the effects of climate change? https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=220&news=How can we increase biodiversity in our cities and mitigate the effects of climate change? 04/03/2020 Greens fear lack of ambition in the EU climate law An expected proposal to enshrine in law an EU target of climate neutrality by 2050 could prove fruitless unless an existing mid-term target is revised... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=217&news=Greens fear lack of ambition in the EU climate law https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=217&news=Greens fear lack of ambition in the EU climate law 03/03/2020 Spain has avoided a massive compensation payout for cuts in renewables support Renewables investors who were claiming €1.9bn in compensation from government (Spain) for cuts in renewables support have been awarded only €90m b... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=218&news=Spain has avoided a massive compensation payout for cuts in renewables support https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=218&news=Spain has avoided a massive compensation payout for cuts in renewables support 03/03/2020 Opportunities Great opportunities new to environment jobs this week. including roles with Fisheries Management Scotland Zoological Society Frontier Lang Teng... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=216&news=Opportunities https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=216&news=Opportunities 24/02/2020 New Exciting roles Lots of exciting new roles included this week; Marine Programme Co-ordinator Stakeholder Engagement Officer Graduate Ecologist Great opportunite... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=215&news=New Exciting roles https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=215&news=New Exciting roles 19/02/2020 Exciting roles with WWF Consultancy roles in Sweden and Italy Sweden based to research key forestry-related issues e.g. climate adaptation, biodiversity conservation. Itali... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=214&news=Exciting roles with WWF https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=214&news=Exciting roles with WWF 18/02/2020 Role in South Atlantic Exciting new role advertised this week, Marine Conservation Scientist, specialising in Water, Hydrology & Marine Ecology, forming parnterships with... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=213&news=Role in South Atlantic https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=213&news=Role in South Atlantic 17/02/2020 Environmental jobs this week include a role in india Good to see jobs in from the WWF in India this week. The role is for a Senior Manager - Climate Adaptation.... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=212&news=Environmental jobs this week include a role in india https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=212&news=Environmental jobs this week include a role in india 12/02/2020 Aviation Environmental jobs Like buses, two jobs come in for aviation based roles. One of the role is for a Environment Analyst with British Airways here https://www.environment... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=211&news=Aviation Environmental jobs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=211&news=Aviation Environmental jobs 26/11/2019 Environment Jobs in Belgium We have had quite an influx of jobs from Belgium over the past few wekks. Check out the site under the Sustainability heading.... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=209&news=Environment Jobs in Belgium https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=209&news=Environment Jobs in Belgium 06/11/2019 On the subject of Climate Change On the subject of Climate Change The BlueGreen Alliance state that 'High-Quality Jobs: We must strive to create and retain millions of high-quality jo... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=208&news=On the subject of Climate Change https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=208&news=On the subject of Climate Change 05/11/2019 Its been a very interesting week for environment jobs... Its been a very interesting week for environment jobs with roles coming in from all over the world, the pick of the week must be the role with the WCS... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=207&news=Its been a very interesting week for environment jobs... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=207&news=Its been a very interesting week for environment jobs... 01/11/2019 New Conservation jobs in Scotland So Scottish Forestry and Forest Research are the new names of the Scottish forestry advisors and conservators. They are currently listing three roles... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=206&news=New Conservation jobs in Scotland https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=206&news=New Conservation jobs in Scotland 25/10/2019 Stantec now own Peter Brett Associates Stantec now own Peter Brett Associates and are looking to recruit an Associate Environmental Planner based in London. https://www.environmentjobs.com... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=205&news=Stantec now own Peter Brett Associates https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=205&news=Stantec now own Peter Brett Associates 14/10/2019 Working with Wildlife...Gorillas! What a great opportunity to work with Bristol Zoo Gardens and the Western Lowland Gorilla Conservation Project. https://www.environmentjobs.com/green... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=203&news=Working with Wildlife...Gorillas! https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=203&news=Working with Wildlife...Gorillas! 08/10/2019 Your Environmental job What kind of job are you looking for? Ecology, Wildlife, Conservation, Environmental Management? It is very important to first realise what area o... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=204&news=Your Environmental job https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=204&news=Your Environmental job 08/10/2019 Environmental Jobs and Environmentalism And The Mystique of Whiteness - An Interview with Carl Anthony (August 1995 It might seem preposterous to link an individual’s depression to an oil spill on the far side of the planet, but in his book The Voice of the Earth,... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=202&news=Environmental Jobs and Environmentalism And The Mystique of Whiteness - An Interview with Carl Anthony (August 1995 https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=202&news=Environmental Jobs and Environmentalism And The Mystique of Whiteness - An Interview with Carl Anthony (August 1995 24/06/2019 Environmental Jobs There have been some great environmental opportunities recently listed with us at environmentjobs including roles with NIWA and Somerset Wildlife Trus... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=201&news=Environmental Jobs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=201&news=Environmental Jobs 20/06/2019 Environmental Jobs with UNDP in the South Pacific Its not often there are environmental jobs listed on the island of Nauru or the Marshall Islands, bu the UNDP are currently recruiting two posts...htt... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=200&news=Environmental Jobs with UNDP in the South Pacific https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=200&news=Environmental Jobs with UNDP in the South Pacific 16/04/2019 Green Careers and Sustainability Sustainability and Green Jobs are a developing industry that is increasing across nation. This industry has a heterogeneous workforce that plays out a... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=198&news=Green Careers and Sustainability https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=198&news=Green Careers and Sustainability 12/04/2019 Will Labours' plan to decarbonsise Britain create new green jobs? Work is to set out how the UK can move quickly to a decarbonised future to handle the unfurling atmosphere emergency and put "meat on the bones" of it... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=197&news=Will Labours' plan to decarbonsise Britain create new green jobs? https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=197&news=Will Labours' plan to decarbonsise Britain create new green jobs? 13/03/2019 Environmental Jobs this week We have some great opportunities with the Pew Trusts here https://www.environmentjobs.com/job_search/job-search-results.asp?em=218808 which are ecolog... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=196&news=Environmental Jobs this week https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=196&news=Environmental Jobs this week 04/03/2019 Environmental, Green and Conservation Careers and Jobs Intrigued by occupations that assistance nature? There are a lot of green business choices to look over. Huge numbers of these professions require a d... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=193&news=Environmental, Green and Conservation Careers and Jobs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=193&news=Environmental, Green and Conservation Careers and Jobs 24/01/2019 Environmental, Green and Conservation Careers and Jobs Intrigued by occupations that assistance nature? There are a lot of green business choices to look over. Huge numbers of these professions require a d... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=194&news=Environmental, Green and Conservation Careers and Jobs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=194&news=Environmental, Green and Conservation Careers and Jobs 24/01/2019 Green and Environmental jobs Feeling the cold? Are you a working in marine ecology and fancy working in a warmer climate? Central Caribbean Marine Institute based in the Cayman ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=192&news=Green and Environmental jobs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=192&news=Green and Environmental jobs 23/01/2019 Ecology Jobs As the ecology season in the UK kicks off again, there are many roles currently being listed on environmentjobs. Haycock and Jay are looking to fill... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=190&news=Ecology Jobs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=190&news=Ecology Jobs 18/01/2019 Wildlife and Conservation roles in Asia The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is a US non-profit, tax-exempt, private organization established in 1895 that saves wildlife and wild places b... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=189&news=Wildlife and Conservation roles in Asia https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=189&news=Wildlife and Conservation roles in Asia 06/12/2018 Wildlife and Wildlife Protection jobs Its good to see that there are jobs relating to the prevention of wildlife trafficking appearing within the respective law enforcement agencies. Ju... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=188&news=Wildlife and Wildlife Protection jobs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=188&news=Wildlife and Wildlife Protection jobs 04/12/2018 Green and Envronmental Jobs in Scotland Are you interested in a green job in Scotland? Community Energy Scotland are currently looking to recruit for 2 roles so check them out at https://www... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=186&news=Green and Envronmental Jobs in Scotland https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=186&news=Green and Envronmental Jobs in Scotland 03/12/2018 Environmental and Green jobs, Jobs in Wildlife and Conservation Are you looking for a green job in Peru? Then why not check out Consorcio de Investigación Economica y Social who are looking to recruit for three p... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=185&news=Environmental and Green jobs, Jobs in Wildlife and Conservation https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=185&news=Environmental and Green jobs, Jobs in Wildlife and Conservation 12/11/2018 Green Building Jobs The UK Green Building Council are again recruiting. You can see the jobs here https://www.environmentjobs.com/job_search/job-search-results.asp?em=21... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=183&news=Green Building Jobs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=183&news=Green Building Jobs 19/10/2018 Conservation and Farming jobs with the National Trust Looking for a Green job? The National Trust are currently on a recruitment drive and looking to fill several new middle ranking jobs related to Farmi... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=182&news=Conservation and Farming jobs with the National Trust https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=182&news=Conservation and Farming jobs with the National Trust 16/10/2018 Opportunity for Conservation Impact Consultant (Project mid-term review and impact evaluator consultancy) An incredible opportunity has arisen with the organisation Amazon Conservation. Based in Peru the Amazon Conservation is seeking a consultant (whethe... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=181&news=Opportunity for Conservation Impact Consultant (Project mid-term review and impact evaluator consultancy) https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=181&news=Opportunity for Conservation Impact Consultant (Project mid-term review and impact evaluator consultancy) 15/10/2018 Environment Jobs Climate Change So it has been announded today in order to prevent a catastrophic escalation in global warming, we must reduce the temperature to within 1.5c of pre-i... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=179&news=Environment Jobs Climate Change https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=179&news=Environment Jobs Climate Change 08/10/2018 Jobs with the National Trust UK The National Trust is one of the UK's biggest employers for conservation and countryside jprofessionals. you can visit them at https://www.nationaltr... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=180&news=Jobs with the National Trust UK https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=180&news=Jobs with the National Trust UK 08/10/2018 Conservation Careers Very interesting to see that the ZSL are recruiting for this role conserving Wild Dogs in Africa Project Manager, Cheetah and Wild Dogs (Full-Time / 6... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=178&news=Conservation Careers https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=178&news=Conservation Careers 05/10/2018 A job with the Arcus Foundation to protect Great Apes and Gibbons An incredible opportunity with the Arcus Foundation in Cambridgeshire here https://www.environmentjobs.com/green-jobs/program-officer-captive-and-cons... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=177&news=A job with the Arcus Foundation to protect Great Apes and Gibbons https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=177&news=A job with the Arcus Foundation to protect Great Apes and Gibbons 27/09/2018 Environment Jobs So interesting to see so many new environmental jobs on the site. And for organisations that are listing to be from all corners of the globe.... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=176&news=Environment Jobs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=176&news=Environment Jobs 24/09/2018 Wildlife and Environmental Jobs this week As we move out of August and into September there is an expected upturn in the number of job vacancies available as HR departments begin to recruit mo... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=175&news=Wildlife and Environmental Jobs this week https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=175&news=Wildlife and Environmental Jobs this week 30/08/2018 Call for tenders - ToR for a consultancy to assess progress on the delivery of the EU Biodiversity Strategy Application deadline: Thursday, 23. August 2018 - 12:00 1 INTRODUCTION BirdLife International is a global Partnership of autonomous, national ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=174&news=Call for tenders - ToR for a consultancy to assess progress on the delivery of the EU Biodiversity Strategy https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=174&news=Call for tenders - ToR for a consultancy to assess progress on the delivery of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 14/08/2018 Wildlife Job Protecting Pangolins at www.environmentjobs.com Very interesting and unique vacancy with the EIA for Senior Campaigner (Pangolins) which is based in London. There surely must just be a handful of... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=173&news=Wildlife Job Protecting Pangolins at www.environmentjobs.com https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=173&news=Wildlife Job Protecting Pangolins at www.environmentjobs.com 13/08/2018 Environmental and Green Jobs Interesting to see some good roles come in from Groundwork London and the Essex Wildlife Trust. Further afield, the WWF in Finland are recruiting a... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=172&news=Environmental and Green Jobs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=172&news=Environmental and Green Jobs 10/08/2018 Another day, more environmental and wildlife jobs. Intersting to see several jobs from the UNDP based in the East. These are the roles... National Gender Specialist for Climate Change, Lebanon ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=171&news= Another day, more environmental and wildlife jobs. https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=171&news= Another day, more environmental and wildlife jobs. 26/07/2018 Jobs at WWF and European Climate Foundation The site has been very busy with a very diverse and international selection of jobs over the past few days. WWF are quite heavy into recruiting som... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=170&news=Jobs at WWF and European Climate Foundation https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=170&news=Jobs at WWF and European Climate Foundation 25/07/2018 Green and environmental jobs from EPVs There is currently a debate that is surfacing that has been rumbling along for a number of years' and its very suprising to me that it is now once aga... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=169&news=Green and environmental jobs from EPVs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=169&news=Green and environmental jobs from EPVs 23/07/2018 Jobs in Climate Change and the illegal wildlife trade (ivory) and tiger conservation Some incredible opportunities being advertised this week. Relating to Climate Change, Climate Analytics in Berlin are looking to fill a vacancy for... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=168&news=Jobs in Climate Change and the illegal wildlife trade (ivory) and tiger conservation https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=168&news=Jobs in Climate Change and the illegal wildlife trade (ivory) and tiger conservation 20/07/2018 Environmental and wildlife jobs including elephant conservation with the IUCN, Africa Interesting to see the Environmental Defense Fund in the US recruiting for a Project Manager, US Oceans, based in Washington DC. The IUCN are recru... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=167&news=Environmental and wildlife jobs including elephant conservation with the IUCN, Africa https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=167&news=Environmental and wildlife jobs including elephant conservation with the IUCN, Africa 18/07/2018 Environmental Jobs w/s 16/7/18 The Lang Tengah Turtle Watch is still looking for interns to help monitor the beeches and turtles that breed there. However this is an internship tha... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=166&news=Environmental Jobs w/s 16/7/18 https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=166&news=Environmental Jobs w/s 16/7/18 16/07/2018 Some wildlife, conservation and envronmental jobs w/e 15/7/18 Some very interesting jobs in this week. Today there is a very unique role from Local Ocean Conservation for a Manager based in Kenya. A lot of the ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=165&news= Some wildlife, conservation and envronmental jobs w/e 15/7/18 https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=165&news= Some wildlife, conservation and envronmental jobs w/e 15/7/18 13/07/2018 Environment and Wildlife Jobs, UK, Norway, USA Interesting to see the American Bird Conservancy recruit for two wildlife roles. The Bjerknes Centre in Norway is recruiting for a Postdoctorate. ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=164&news=Environment and Wildlife Jobs, UK, Norway, USA https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=164&news=Environment and Wildlife Jobs, UK, Norway, USA 11/07/2018 Environment Jobs in Kuwait, Marshall Islands and Wildilife Jobs in Essex Environment Jobs in Kuwait, Marshall Islands and Wildilife Jobs in Essex Some interesting environmental jobs form far afield and much closer to hom... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=163&news=Environment Jobs in Kuwait, Marshall Islands and Wildilife Jobs in Essex https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=163&news=Environment Jobs in Kuwait, Marshall Islands and Wildilife Jobs in Essex 10/07/2018 Environmental Jobs we 8/7/18 Much busier week in respect of viewings to the site. This has been across all environmental job boards but has shown a steep increase this week. E... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=161&news=Environmental Jobs we 8/7/18 https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=161&news=Environmental Jobs we 8/7/18 09/07/2018 Conservation and Ecology Jobs in UK, Poland and Australia Good to see the Waterman Group list further ecology jobs with us. So to the creatively named Darwin Ecology. Australian based Ecosure are spreadin... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=160&news=Conservation and Ecology Jobs in UK, Poland and Australia https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=160&news=Conservation and Ecology Jobs in UK, Poland and Australia 06/07/2018 Environmental and Green Jobs this week There have been some very interesting green jobs come in this week from new clients overseas. Particularly interesting to tsee this role Mission ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=159&news=Environmental and Green Jobs this week https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=159&news=Environmental and Green Jobs this week 05/07/2018 Purchase of Environmentjobs.net We were lucky enough to acquire this domain and back links etc for just the purchase price of the domain, which was a stroke of luck. By now owning... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=158&news=Purchase of Environmentjobs.net https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=158&news=Purchase of Environmentjobs.net 03/07/2018 Environmental Jobs w/1 1/7/18 Quite a busy week last week with jobs from Galapagos Conservancy, Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth. The environmental job market is quiet bouyan... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=157&news=Environmental Jobs w/1 1/7/18 https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=157&news=Environmental Jobs w/1 1/7/18 02/07/2018 Environmental Jobs for June So as June closes it has actually been quite a slow month. There seems to be no single reason as to why the market in general is supressed. Viewing ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=156&news=Environmental Jobs for June https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=156&news=Environmental Jobs for June 29/06/2018 Ecology Job West Midlands A great job has come in this week with Ecosulis based in the West Midlands for a Bat Surveyor in Birmingham, West Midlands. Another great Ecology J... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=154&news=Ecology Job West Midlands https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=154&news=Ecology Job West Midlands 28/06/2018 Green Job in New York A great job has come in this week with the Wildlife Conservation Society based in New York for a Senior Program Manager, Sharks and Rays Program. A... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=153&news=Green Job in New York https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=153&news=Green Job in New York 28/06/2018 The Crown Estate for Scotland The Crown Estate for Scotland have listed a job vacancy with us today which is a first for us in the 20 years' we have been running. Interesting job,... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=155&news=The Crown Estate for Scotland https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=155&news=The Crown Estate for Scotland 28/06/2018 Get that Wildlife Job! How that then? There is no magic wand Im afraid, it is the same in this specialism as it is in any other career. Get the right qualifications, get e... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=151&news=Get that Wildlife Job! https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=151&news=Get that Wildlife Job! 23/06/2018 Environment Jobs this week Quite a few roles have come in over the past week from the USA and Europe, and also a very nice marine vacancy in from Fiji. The NERC in the UK are s... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=147&news=Environment Jobs this week https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=147&news=Environment Jobs this week 21/06/2018 Green Jobs The terms Green Jobs is such a broad term, and is very often used buy commpanies that are not even directly involved in areas that we would consider e... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=148&news=Green Jobs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=148&news=Green Jobs 21/06/2018 Environment Jobs for the Future...what should i study? Not so long ago if you studied for ecology you would have had trouble finding a job, but then the european union created rules that meant every large ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=149&news=Environment Jobs for the Future...what should i study? https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=149&news=Environment Jobs for the Future...what should i study? 21/06/2018 Environment jobs in East Anglia, UK What resources and organisations are available in this part of England for those seeking jobs in the environmen... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=146&news= https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=146&news= 02/05/2018 Ecology Jobs – a UK job-site for ecologists With a booming ecology sector in the UK, we were excited to speak with Ecology Jobs - the only UK job... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=145&news= https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=145&news= 06/12/2016 Environment Jobs Data Today Featured Job Restoration Specialist (4 positions) – Water Environment Fund Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) £32,340 per annum - ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=144&news=Environment Jobs Data Today https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=144&news=Environment Jobs Data Today 16/06/2016 Green Jobs Updates Data contributers / range date perameteres/ Environment Jobs, Green Jobs, Conservation Jobs. Updates 697.... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=143&news=Green Jobs Updates https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=143&news=Green Jobs Updates 07/06/2016 Green Jobs Updates Data contributers / range date perameteres/ Environment Jobs, Green Jobs, Conservation Jobs. Updates 696.... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=142&news=Green Jobs Updates https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=142&news=Green Jobs Updates 02/06/2016 Green Jobs with the Centre for Alternative Technology With over 35 years’ experience, CAT is Britain’s leading centre for education and inspiration in the field of sustainability. Undertaking a wide r... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=141&news=Green Jobs with the Centre for Alternative Technology https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=141&news=Green Jobs with the Centre for Alternative Technology 24/07/2015 Four Trend Predictions in Ecotourism for 2014 Four Trend Predictions in Ecotourism for 2014 Ecotourism has become a popular buzz word used by trendy travel agents, but what exactly does it mean? ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=140&news=Four Trend Predictions in Ecotourism for 2014 https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=140&news=Four Trend Predictions in Ecotourism for 2014 08/01/2014 Search Jobs with Jooble jooble is a job search engine created for a single purpose: To help you find the job of your dreams! You will find all job postings, vacancies and... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=139&news=Search Jobs with Jooble https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=139&news=Search Jobs with Jooble 14/11/2013 Environment Jobs If you are one of the growing number of people who care about environmental issues, and would like to align your values with your working life, findin... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=138&news=Environment Jobs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=138&news=Environment Jobs 13/08/2013 Sir David Attenborough should check his facts on polar bears De rigueur though it may be to describe Sir David Attenborough as a “national treasure” and our “greatest living naturalist”, it really is tim... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=136&news=Sir David Attenborough should check his facts on polar bears https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=136&news=Sir David Attenborough should check his facts on polar bears 21/03/2013 'Water will in the coming century become like petrol 'Water will in the coming century become like petrol - a scarce commodity of huge demand and limited supply' - Dr Georgios Patsiaouras The world fa... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=137&news='Water will in the coming century become like petrol https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=137&news='Water will in the coming century become like petrol 21/03/2013 Obama climate push to tie environment, jobs: White House adviser WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will renew his push to spur investment in renewable energy projects that create jobs as a key part of hi... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=135&news=Obama climate push to tie environment, jobs: White House adviser https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=135&news=Obama climate push to tie environment, jobs: White House adviser 20/03/2013 The Future of Green and Environment Jobs Green and Environment Jobs were heralded as the way forward to help save the earth and to combat climate change, enhance conservation efforts and halt... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=134&news=The Future of Green and Environment Jobs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=134&news=The Future of Green and Environment Jobs 18/03/2013 Environmental Jobs Date 2009 Environmental Job Trends and Statistics (UK and North America) – for the period 1st – 31st October 2009 ADC Environment Limited & Stopdodo.co... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=132&news=Environmental Jobs Date 2009 https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=132&news=Environmental Jobs Date 2009 12/03/2013 Further Environmental Jobs Data Environmental Job Trends and Statistics (UK and USA) – for the period 1st – 30th September 2009 Stop Dodo (www.stopdodo.com) have finalized ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=133&news=Further Environmental Jobs Data https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=133&news=Further Environmental Jobs Data 12/03/2013 Environment Jobs... Great job in from Asian Institue of Technology, but generally market still subdued. Solar is probably the success story of the past 5-10 years and se... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=131&news=Environment Jobs... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=131&news=Environment Jobs... 08/03/2013 Environmental Jobs... Thought Id start something similar to a daily blog....something to keep me posting on the site and sharing thoughts really. Im Andrew Coleman, Ive be... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=130&news=Environmental Jobs... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=130&news=Environmental Jobs... 27/02/2013 Policy Paper: Can no-lose targets contribute to a 2C target? Anew market-based mechanisms, which help finance emission reductions in developing countries, are on the agenda of international climate negotiatons. ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=128&news=Policy Paper: Can no-lose targets contribute to a 2C target? https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=128&news=Policy Paper: Can no-lose targets contribute to a 2C target? 26/02/2013 MSc in Climate Sciences studies programme MSc in Climate Sciences studies programme ***************************************** 4 semesters, 120 European (ECTS) credits Graduate School of... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=129&news=MSc in Climate Sciences studies programme https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=129&news=MSc in Climate Sciences studies programme 26/02/2013 Green Jobs..Environment Jobs We are often asked the question of why are there more environmental jobs listed for the USA. Quite simply, if they are around then we will try to enc... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=126&news=Green Jobs..Environment Jobs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=126&news=Green Jobs..Environment Jobs 26/09/2012 Environmental and Green Jobs continued... There seems to be a real lack of environmental opportunities within Europe, Im not sure why that is. Belgium and Germany are probably the most well r... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=127&news=Environmental and Green Jobs continued... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=127&news=Environmental and Green Jobs continued... 26/09/2012 Social page live (well nearly) Well the new Social area is up and running but with a few glitches that didnt show up until it went live. These problems are just being ironed out no... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=125&news=Social page live (well nearly) https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=125&news=Social page live (well nearly) 04/04/2012 Air capture device could be key tool to tackling climate change A device that can absorb carbon dioxide directly from the air, thousands of times more powerful than a tree, is being showcased in the UK for the firs... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=124&news=Air capture device could be key tool to tackling climate change https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=124&news=Air capture device could be key tool to tackling climate change 26/10/2011 Exploding the promise of 'green jobs' Can we finally put to rest the idea that government creates jobs? Can everyone finally agree that "green jobs" will never be part of an economic recov... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=122&news=Exploding the promise of 'green jobs' https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=122&news=Exploding the promise of 'green jobs' 17/10/2011 Pop goes the bubble of Obama's phantom green jobs Before the Senate failed to pass his American Jobs Act Tuesday, President Obama made a last-ditch speech to talk up his troubled bill. But not once di... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=123&news=Pop goes the bubble of Obama's phantom green jobs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=123&news=Pop goes the bubble of Obama's phantom green jobs 17/10/2011 Home Page Change Some slight changes to the site have come online today. We have another new development coming live hopefully within a few weeks on Beta. Dependent ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=121&news=Home Page Change https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=121&news=Home Page Change 01/08/2011 E3 Ecology get a huge response to their Ecology vacancy listed at StopDodo Thank you for running the recent adverts (ornithologist and graduate ecologist). We have a huge application...for both jobs...from your website. ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=120&news=E3 Ecology get a huge response to their Ecology vacancy listed at StopDodo https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=120&news=E3 Ecology get a huge response to their Ecology vacancy listed at StopDodo 29/07/2011 Busiest Day Ever Yesterday we received 14,202 unique viewers in a 24 hr period, beating our record of the day before!... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=119&news=Busiest Day Ever https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=119&news=Busiest Day Ever 01/07/2011 Busiest Day Twice on Consequtive Days Tuesday and Wednesday were our busiest days ever. Yesterday saw us receive a whopping 13,325 unique viewers in a 24 hr period. This week will be our... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=118&news=Busiest Day Twice on Consequtive Days https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=118&news=Busiest Day Twice on Consequtive Days 30/06/2011 New Record Viewing Figures Last week we managed an average of 10,058 adverage visitors. Yesterday we had 12,123 unique viewers on the site in a 24 hrs period! We are the b... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=117&news=New Record Viewing Figures https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=117&news=New Record Viewing Figures 28/06/2011 Our busiest day ever! Yesterday we received 12,021 unique views.....our busiest to date!... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=116&news=Our busiest day ever! https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=116&news=Our busiest day ever! 23/06/2011 Alexa Ranking...We are the Busiest UK Environmental Job Site! Alexa.com rank us as 256,137 - that makes us the web's busiest environmental jobsite. We are now receving over 10,000 unique users each working day o... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=115&news=Alexa Ranking...We are the Busiest UK Environmental Job Site! https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=115&news=Alexa Ranking...We are the Busiest UK Environmental Job Site! 14/06/2011 New Initiative for Advertising Environment Jobs with us! We are different to most other environment job boards, our business model isn't based around making a quick profit from charging high prices for job l... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=114&news=New Initiative for Advertising Environment Jobs with us! https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=114&news=New Initiative for Advertising Environment Jobs with us! 10/06/2011 Our Busiest Day Ever! Yesterday saw our busiest ever day at www.Stopdodo.com with 11,567 unique visitors in a 24 hr period.... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=113&news=Our Busiest Day Ever! https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=113&news=Our Busiest Day Ever! 17/05/2011 New Feature Live Now Employers can list News, Courses and Events - as well as including a Directory entry. We have another big development to the site which will go... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=112&news=New Feature Live https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=112&news=New Feature Live 03/05/2011 Global Ecology Group of Adelaide get a great response to their listing. Could you please remove my advert from the stopdodo website as I have now filled the advertised positions - many thanks. This has been a great reso... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=111&news=Global Ecology Group of Adelaide get a great response to their listing. https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=111&news=Global Ecology Group of Adelaide get a great response to their listing. 29/03/2011 Better Generation are 'Delighted with the Calibre of Applicants' from Stopdodo I know I speak for many of my colleagues when I say we were delighted with the calibre of candidates that came through your site and we will be using ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=110&news=Better Generation are 'Delighted with the Calibre of Applicants' from Stopdodo https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=110&news=Better Generation are 'Delighted with the Calibre of Applicants' from Stopdodo 17/03/2011 IT Power get a great response to their job listings. Please can you take our adverts off, as we have lots of applicants now. I'm sure your site will be of interest to us in the future, therefore I am ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=108&news=IT Power get a great response to their job listings. https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=108&news=IT Power get a great response to their job listings. 15/03/2011 Adams Environmental get a great response to their job listing We now have received too many applicants for the advertised post of Environmental Analyst, could you please remove our advert from your website. A... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=109&news=Adams Environmental get a great response to their job listing https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=109&news=Adams Environmental get a great response to their job listing 15/03/2011 Your Energy use Stop Dodo and get a great response to their vacancy. Can you please remove the listing today please? We have plenty of good quality applicants to get through now! Alison Your Energy www.your-energy.... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=107&news=Your Energy use Stop Dodo and get a great response to their vacancy. https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=107&news=Your Energy use Stop Dodo and get a great response to their vacancy. 09/03/2011 Our Busiest Week Ever Its only Thursday and we have already received 23,000 unique visitors to the site. It looks like we will break 45,000 unique users this week! New ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=105&news=Our Busiest Week Ever https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=105&news=Our Busiest Week Ever 17/02/2011 Fauna & Flora International announce essay writing competition in The Independent newspaper Fauna & Flora International announce essay writing competition in The Independent newspaper Fauna & Flora International (FFI) is delighted to annou... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=106&news=Fauna & Flora International announce essay writing competition in The Independent newspaper https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=106&news=Fauna & Flora International announce essay writing competition in The Independent newspaper 17/02/2011 10:10 10:10 "Thanks so much, we've had some really good responses to the FM role." www.1010uk.org ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=104&news=10:10 https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=104&news=10:10 16/02/2011 Jamie O'Nians has joined growing Bristol-based company Your Power Jamie O'Nians has joined growing Bristol-based company Your Power, a solar photovoltaic (PV) supplier, as Managing Director. Jamie joined in January 2... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=103&news=Jamie O'Nians has joined growing Bristol-based company Your Power https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=103&news=Jamie O'Nians has joined growing Bristol-based company Your Power 11/02/2011 New Site Live The new look site, features and upgrades is now live. Along with a brand new stand alone server to manage our ever increasing audience! We have fu... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=102&news=New Site Live https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=102&news=New Site Live 01/12/2010 Open for Business! We are now charging a nominal fee to list environmental job vacancies with us. This will help us to expand and make an even better service!... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=101&news=Open for Business! https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=101&news=Open for Business! 21/11/2010 Treasury locked in battle over green investment bank The Treasury is locked in battle with environmentalists across the government over the scope and remit of a proposed new bank on which the UK's transi... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=99&news=Treasury locked in battle over green investment bank https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=99&news=Treasury locked in battle over green investment bank 14/10/2010 Tropics in decline as natural resources exhausted at alarming rate New analysis shows populations of tropical species are plummeting and humanity’s demands on natural resources are sky-rocketing to 50 per cent more ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=100&news=Tropics in decline as natural resources exhausted at alarming rate https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=100&news=Tropics in decline as natural resources exhausted at alarming rate 14/10/2010 Colossal coral bleaching kills up to 95 percent of corals in the Philippines It is one of the most worrisome observations: fast massive death of coral reefs. A severe wide-scale bleaching occurred in the Philippines leaving 95 ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=97&news=Colossal coral bleaching kills up to 95 percent of corals in the Philippines https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=97&news=Colossal coral bleaching kills up to 95 percent of corals in the Philippines 24/09/2010 Tanzania project first to earn VCS forest credits A Tanzanian reforestation project has become the first forestry investment to be issued carbon offsets under an industry-backed standard that assures ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=98&news=Tanzania project first to earn VCS forest credits https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=98&news=Tanzania project first to earn VCS forest credits 24/09/2010 Turbine delays blow government renewable energy targets off course Construction of 6,400 giant new offshore wind turbines will take several years longer than previously thought, undermining the chances of the Governme... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=93&news=Turbine delays blow government renewable energy targets off course https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=93&news=Turbine delays blow government renewable energy targets off course 10/01/2010 Ted Turner and Native Americans in row over fate of Yellowstone Bison A herd of 74 rare bison could be slaughtered if a dispute involving conservationists, Indian tribes and media mogul Ted Turner is not resolved. ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=94&news=Ted Turner and Native Americans in row over fate of Yellowstone Bison https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=94&news=Ted Turner and Native Americans in row over fate of Yellowstone Bison 10/01/2010 EU pursues climate deal through G20 The EU will pursue a new deal on global warming through the G20, after last month's UN climate conference led to unwieldy negotiations that did not ac... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=95&news=EU pursues climate deal through G20 https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=95&news=EU pursues climate deal through G20 10/01/2010 China is on course to meet energy reduction targets, Xie says China, the biggest producer of greenhouse gases, is on course to meet a 2010 target of cutting energy use per unit of gross domestic product, said Xie... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=96&news=China is on course to meet energy reduction targets, Xie says https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=96&news=China is on course to meet energy reduction targets, Xie says 10/01/2010 Go-ahead for bypass despite green protests Controversial plans for 400 million bypass have been given the go-ahead despite opposition from environmental campaigners and local residents.... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=89&news=Go-ahead for bypass despite green protests https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=89&news=Go-ahead for bypass despite green protests 23/12/2009 New wave of funding moves UK's first tidal farm a step nearer British tidal energy company Marine Current Turbines (MCT) announced yesterday that it has raised £3.5m in a new funding round that will allow it to ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=90&news=New wave of funding moves UK's first tidal farm a step nearer https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=90&news=New wave of funding moves UK's first tidal farm a step nearer 23/12/2009 Africa in fresh bust-up over ivory sales Three months before a major international conference on endangered species, African countries are divided over whether a round of ivory sales should b... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=91&news=Africa in fresh bust-up over ivory sales https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=91&news=Africa in fresh bust-up over ivory sales 23/12/2009 Japan eyes methane hydrate as energy savior Japan, the world's second-largest economy, may have found a way to reduce its almost total dependence on other countries for the oil that drives the i... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=92&news=Japan eyes methane hydrate as energy savior https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=92&news=Japan eyes methane hydrate as energy savior 23/12/2009 Inspector backs giant wind farm plan A wind farm with turbines three times the height of Exeter Cathedral will be built in West Devon after a government inspector ruled that combating glo... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=85&news=Inspector backs giant wind farm plan https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=85&news=Inspector backs giant wind farm plan 13/12/2009 Forests threatened as trees are felled by sudden death disease Trees are under the biggest threat since 20 million were wiped out by Dutch elm disease in the 1960s, with the spread of a “sudden death” fungus p... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=86&news=Forests threatened as trees are felled by sudden death disease https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=86&news=Forests threatened as trees are felled by sudden death disease 13/12/2009 Progress in U.N. climate talks, tougher issues ahead U.N. climate talks have made progress at the half-way mark but many of the toughest issues such as greenhouse gas emissions targets for 2020 are deadl... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=87&news=Progress in U.N. climate talks, tougher issues ahead https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=87&news=Progress in U.N. climate talks, tougher issues ahead 13/12/2009 £20m in oil profit buried under Whisby Nature Park The search for black gold under a Lincolnshire wildlife reserve has intensified after the conclusion of successful tests.... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=88&news=£20m in oil profit buried under Whisby Nature Park https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=88&news=£20m in oil profit buried under Whisby Nature Park 13/12/2009 Obama switches climate change visit to end of summit US President Barack Obama has changed his plans to attend the UN summit on climate change in Copenhagen next week, the White House has announced.... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=82&news=Obama switches climate change visit to end of summit https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=82&news=Obama switches climate change visit to end of summit 06/12/2009 Galapagos Islands are transformed The Galapagos archipelago has already been transformed by global climate changes and human activity, a report has concluded. ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=83&news=Galapagos Islands are transformed https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=83&news=Galapagos Islands are transformed 06/12/2009 Britain, Italy top picks for windpower investment Germany and Spain will provide Europe's biggest growth in windpower over the next decade but Britain and Italy might give the best returns on investme... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=84&news=Britain, Italy top picks for windpower investment https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=84&news=Britain, Italy top picks for windpower investment 06/12/2009 Criminal gangs plunder Madagascar forests Criminal gangs are stripping Madagascar's poorly-protected national parks every day of precious hardwood worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, two e... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=78&news=Criminal gangs plunder Madagascar forests https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=78&news=Criminal gangs plunder Madagascar forests 29/11/2009 Producers urged to create wildlife havens The national effort to persuade farmers to maintain the environmental benefits of set-aside was taken to the Highlands yesterday.... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=79&news=Producers urged to create wildlife havens https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=79&news=Producers urged to create wildlife havens 29/11/2009 UN chief urges leaders to 'seal deal' on climate change The United Nations chief has urged world leaders to 'seal a deal' on climate change when they meet in Copenhagen next month.... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=80&news=UN chief urges leaders to 'seal deal' on climate change https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=80&news=UN chief urges leaders to 'seal deal' on climate change 29/11/2009 Poachers kill only herd of elephants in Sierra Leone national park Poachers have wiped out the six-elephant herd in Outamba Kilimni national park, Sierra Leone’s only wildlife park. ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=81&news=Poachers kill only herd of elephants in Sierra Leone national park https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=81&news=Poachers kill only herd of elephants in Sierra Leone national park 29/11/2009 FSA fails to alert public to banned GM ingredient The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has defended itself after failing to alert consumers to the presence of unapproved genetically modified food in UK sup... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=73&news=FSA fails to alert public to banned GM ingredient https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=73&news=FSA fails to alert public to banned GM ingredient 08/11/2009 Wildlife trade thriving in Vietnam The seizure of two frozen tigers last week only scratches the surface of widespread wildlife trafficking in Vietnam, an international expert has said... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=74&news=Wildlife trade thriving in Vietnam https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=74&news=Wildlife trade thriving in Vietnam 08/11/2009 G20 makes little progress on climate financing Rich countries and developing nations fought over climate change on Saturday, failing to make progress on financing ahead of a major environmental sum... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=75&news=G20 makes little progress on climate financing https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=75&news=G20 makes little progress on climate financing 08/11/2009 S Korea to plant trees in China to reduce 'yellow dust' The Seoul city government will help fund a tree-planting project in a Chinese desert to reduce the amount of harmful "yellow dust" blowing over South ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=76&news=S Korea to plant trees in China to reduce 'yellow dust' https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=76&news=S Korea to plant trees in China to reduce 'yellow dust' 08/11/2009 Shrinking forests a threat to ecosystem Shrinking forests due to land clearing for economic activities will not only affect the ecosystem but will also lead to water shortage problems, Malay... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=77&news=Shrinking forests a threat to ecosystem https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=77&news=Shrinking forests a threat to ecosystem 08/11/2009 Toll rises as sea life feed at oil spill Large numbers of whales, dolphins, turtles and sea birds are feeding in waters polluted by the massive oil spill off the West Australian coast and are... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=70&news=Toll rises as sea life feed at oil spill https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=70&news=Toll rises as sea life feed at oil spill 01/11/2009 Farmland birds continue to decline Farmland birds like skylarks and grey partridges have declined by more than half in the last 30 years, according to new Government statistics. ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=71&news=Farmland birds continue to decline https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=71&news=Farmland birds continue to decline 01/11/2009 India to investigate rising elephant death toll An alarming rise in elephant deaths in India because of habitat loss and poachers' bolder forays into government-protected zones has led officials to ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=72&news=India to investigate rising elephant death toll https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=72&news=India to investigate rising elephant death toll 01/11/2009 Orangutans struggle to survive as palm oil booms Cinta, a baby orangutan found lost and alone in a vast Borneo palm oil plantation, now clings to a tree at a sanctuary for the great apes, staring int... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=66&news=Orangutans struggle to survive as palm oil booms https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=66&news=Orangutans struggle to survive as palm oil booms 25/10/2009 President Obama will not talk climate change in Copenhagen President Obama will almost certainly not travel to the Copenhagen climate change summit in December and may instead use his Nobel Peace Prize accepta... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=67&news=President Obama will not talk climate change in Copenhagen https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=67&news=President Obama will not talk climate change in Copenhagen 25/10/2009 Obama sees consensus growing on climate change bill President Barack Obama said on Friday he saw consensus building in the U.S. Congress on climate change and energy legislation that is considered criti... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=68&news=Obama sees consensus growing on climate change bill https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=68&news=Obama sees consensus growing on climate change bill 25/10/2009 Tiger skin trade in China exposed Covert filming by the Environment Investigation Agency shows traders selling skins of tigers and other rare animals such as snow leopards. The ski... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=69&news=Tiger skin trade in China exposed https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=69&news=Tiger skin trade in China exposed 25/10/2009 Cyanide pollution may last five years The River Trent could take five years to recover from a killer leak of cyanide and sewage, a wildlife expert has said.... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=61&news=Cyanide pollution may last five years https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=61&news=Cyanide pollution may last five years 11/10/2009 Australian dust storms lead to life explosion The red dust storm that dumped thousands of tons of soil across eastern Australia two weeks ago has caused an explosion in microscopic life in Sydney ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=62&news=Australian dust storms lead to life explosion https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=62&news=Australian dust storms lead to life explosion 11/10/2009 Missing rhino found in Jalpaiguri Forest officials have been able to locate the rhinoceros found missing from the Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary near Siltorsha river in West Bengal's Jal... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=63&news=Missing rhino found in Jalpaiguri https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=63&news=Missing rhino found in Jalpaiguri 11/10/2009 Climate change causing havoc to coffee and tea farmers Climate change is already wreaking havoc on the livelihoods of small-scale tea and coffee farmers in some of the world's poorest countries ...... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=64&news=Climate change causing havoc to coffee and tea farmers https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=64&news=Climate change causing havoc to coffee and tea farmers 11/10/2009 Whale dies as scare bid fails The first UK attempt to scare a whale to safety by playing sounds of predatory killer whales under water has failed after the mammal was found dead.... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=65&news=Whale dies as scare bid fails https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=65&news=Whale dies as scare bid fails 11/10/2009 India's tiger protection plan failing: experts India's efforts to stop poaching of its endangered tigers are failing despite millions of dollars of funding, a new protection force and experiments w... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=60&news=India's tiger protection plan failing: experts https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=60&news=India's tiger protection plan failing: experts 24/09/2009 One in six Mediterranean mammals face extinction One in six Mediterranean mammals is threatened with extinction at the regional level, mainly due to the destruction of their habitat from urbanization... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=57&news=One in six Mediterranean mammals face extinction https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=57&news=One in six Mediterranean mammals face extinction 16/09/2009 Scale of gorilla poaching exposed An undercover investigation has found that up to two gorillas are killed and sold as bushmeat each week in Kouilou, a region of the Republic of Congo.... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=58&news=Scale of gorilla poaching exposed https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=58&news=Scale of gorilla poaching exposed 16/09/2009 Frustrated UN chief Ban Ki-moon says world leaders must act on climate The UN chief, Ban Ki-moon, frustrated at the glacial pace of crucial climate change negotiations, is looking to the summit he will host next week to "... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=59&news=Frustrated UN chief Ban Ki-moon says world leaders must act on climate https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=59&news=Frustrated UN chief Ban Ki-moon says world leaders must act on climate 16/09/2009 Short-haired bumblebee to be repopulated in UK British conservationists have drawn up plans to repopulate the countryside with a species of bumblebee that was declared extinct here nearly a decade ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=53&news=Short-haired bumblebee to be repopulated in UK https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=53&news=Short-haired bumblebee to be repopulated in UK 08/09/2009 Warning for chances of deal on emissions Attempts to extract long-term carbon emissions targets from large developing countries would fail to lead to a global consensus over how best to tackl... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=54&news=Warning for chances of deal on emissions https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=54&news=Warning for chances of deal on emissions 08/09/2009 Climate expert urges EU to speed carbon capture` MUNICH (Reuters) - Carbon capture pilot projects must be made a political priority in Europe to ascertain whether the technology works and can be appl... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=55&news=Climate expert urges EU to speed carbon capture` https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=55&news=Climate expert urges EU to speed carbon capture` 08/09/2009 New Japanese PM pledges deep greenhouse gas cuts Japan's incoming prime minister, Yukio Hatoyama, has pledged that his government is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 25 per cent from... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=56&news=New Japanese PM pledges deep greenhouse gas cuts https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=56&news=New Japanese PM pledges deep greenhouse gas cuts 08/09/2009 Thousand dead fish pulled from river AN INVESTIGATION has been launched after raw sewage killed more than 1,000 fish in the River Crouch. Staff from the Environment Agency spent part of ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=51&news=Thousand dead fish pulled from river https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=51&news=Thousand dead fish pulled from river 27/08/2009 Illegal killing of birds second highest on record - RSPB Wild birds are being killed in high numbers becaue of half-hearted enforcement and a lack of national co-ordination, according to the Royal Society fo... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=50&news=Illegal killing of birds second highest on record - RSPB https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=50&news=Illegal killing of birds second highest on record - RSPB 27/08/2009 London to launch UKs first hydrogen highway London Mayor Boris Johnson has announced plans to create Britains first hydrogen highway by building a network of hydrogen filling stations throughout... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=52&news=London to launch UKs first hydrogen highway https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=52&news=London to launch UKs first hydrogen highway 27/08/2009 Police putting wildlife crime to the 'back of the queue' More than 100 organisations, led by the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), said the killing of wild animals, poaching of eggs and steal... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=46&news=Police putting wildlife crime to the 'back of the queue' https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=46&news=Police putting wildlife crime to the 'back of the queue' 19/08/2009 Record fine over badger killings A man has received a record £3,500 fine after he pled guilty to killing four badgers by capturing them in snares and shooting them in the head. An... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=47&news=Record fine over badger killings https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=47&news=Record fine over badger killings 19/08/2009 India must tread 'greener' path to growth: PM Prime Minister Manmohan Singh acknowledged India must tread a greener path on Tuesday, even as he blamed rich nations for expecting developing countri... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=48&news=India must tread 'greener' path to growth: PM https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=48&news=India must tread 'greener' path to growth: PM 19/08/2009 Species climbing to new heights Growing numbers of wildlife have pushed northwards into Scotland from other parts of the UK and also to higher altitudes, according to experts. Con... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=44&news=Species climbing to new heights https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=44&news=Species climbing to new heights 10/08/2009 Green grass of steppes falls victim to Wests stampede for cashmere Fly over Mongolia in summer and the steppes look as green as they must have done when Genghis Khan and his armies galloped across the land — but the... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=45&news=Green grass of steppes falls victim to Wests stampede for cashmere https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=45&news=Green grass of steppes falls victim to Wests stampede for cashmere 10/08/2009 Malaysia's Penan mount anti-logging blockade Dozens of indigenous Penan tribespeople armed with spears and blowpipes have set up roadblocks in Malaysian Borneo to stop logging firms from encroach... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=40&news=Malaysia's Penan mount anti-logging blockade https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=40&news=Malaysia's Penan mount anti-logging blockade 01/08/2009 Hampshire firm hit with penalty after ‘catastrophic’ spill in Bartley Water Southern Water has been handed a £30,000 fine after a 'catastrophic' pollution spill killed hundreds of fish and obliterated wildlife at a Hampshire ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=41&news=Hampshire firm hit with penalty after ‘catastrophic’ spill in Bartley Water https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=41&news=Hampshire firm hit with penalty after ‘catastrophic’ spill in Bartley Water 01/08/2009 First attempts to save whales unsuccessful Conservation, veterinary and marine experts were last night standing by as a pod of deep water pilot whales were swimming in shallow water just metres... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=42&news=First attempts to save whales unsuccessful https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=42&news=First attempts to save whales unsuccessful 01/08/2009 India rejects emissions cuts for a decade India will not discuss signing up to legally binding obligations to make absolute cuts in greenhouse gas emissions for at least 10 years, Jairam Rames... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=43&news=India rejects emissions cuts for a decade https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=43&news=India rejects emissions cuts for a decade 01/08/2009 Birds fly higher with shrinking forest, warmer climate More lowland birds are flying off to live in the highlands and this is an indicator of deforestation and climate change.... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=37&news=Birds fly higher with shrinking forest, warmer climate https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=37&news=Birds fly higher with shrinking forest, warmer climate 13/07/2009 Heathrow-on-Sea set for takeoff Looking out from Southend pier, the Thames estuary is a hub of activity. On a busy day its grey waters are filled with nearly 100 vessels a day, from ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=38&news=Heathrow-on-Sea set for takeoff https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=38&news=Heathrow-on-Sea set for takeoff 13/07/2009 Ecotowns to get go-ahead despite local opposition An abandoned Norfolk airfield and a cluster of Cornish china claypit villages are to become the first of a controversial new breed of "ecotowns", offe... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=39&news=Ecotowns to get go-ahead despite local opposition https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=39&news=Ecotowns to get go-ahead despite local opposition 13/07/2009 Corrib protesters criticise Garda actions Protesters against the Corrib gas project have complained to the Garda Ombudsman about their treatment by gardai. ‘‘The guards are everywhere a... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=34&news=Corrib protesters criticise Garda actions https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=34&news=Corrib protesters criticise Garda actions 06/07/2009 The wombat: back from the brink One of the world's most endangered mammals, the northern hairy-nosed wombat, has stepped back from the brink of extinction, with its numbers undergoin... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=35&news=The wombat: back from the brink https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=35&news=The wombat: back from the brink 06/07/2009 Poor face more hunger as climate change leads to crop failure Hunger may become the defining human tragedy of the century as the climate changes and hundreds of millions of farmers already struggling to grow enou... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=36&news=Poor face more hunger as climate change leads to crop failure https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=36&news=Poor face more hunger as climate change leads to crop failure 06/07/2009 Whaling ban holds as conference ends in disarray The commission's new chairman said the IWC should now question its role as the conference on the Portuguese island of Madeira wrapped up a day early w... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=31&news=Whaling ban holds as conference ends in disarray https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=31&news=Whaling ban holds as conference ends in disarray 26/06/2009 France to face EU court over great hamster disappearance The European Commission plans to take France to Europe's highest court for failing to protect the great hamster of Alsace, a species threatened with e... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=32&news=France to face EU court over great hamster disappearance https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=32&news=France to face EU court over great hamster disappearance 26/06/2009 Every British home to be powered by offshore wind Lord Hunt, the Energy Minister, announced proposals on Wednesday to use offshore wind farms to provide enough power for millions of homes by 2020. T... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=33&news=Every British home to be powered by offshore wind https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=33&news=Every British home to be powered by offshore wind 26/06/2009 Arbeitsplätze statt Umweltschutz? Dieser Tage ist das oberstes Ziel der Bundesregierung die Eindämmung der Folgen der Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise in Deutschland. Doch die Bemühungen... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=30&news=Arbeitsplätze statt Umweltschutz? https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=30&news=Arbeitsplätze statt Umweltschutz? 22/06/2009 Notorious tiger poacher Dariya convicted in Katni, MP A notorious tiger poacher called Dariya, son of Juglal, was convicted by the Katni courts in Madhya Pradesh today, for a term of three years rigorous ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=29&news=Notorious tiger poacher Dariya convicted in Katni, MP https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=29&news=Notorious tiger poacher Dariya convicted in Katni, MP 19/06/2009 Good for the ozone layer, bad for the climate By 2050, the contribution of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) to global warming will be more than that of current global CO2 emissions from houses and offic... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=28&news=Good for the ozone layer, bad for the climate https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=28&news=Good for the ozone layer, bad for the climate 18/06/2009 Urgent action necessary to save Pacific tuna stocks Hard decisions must be taken now to save tuna populations from downward spiral urge conservation groups. “The IATTC is failing tuna and jeopardis... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=26&news=Urgent action necessary to save Pacific tuna stocks https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=26&news=Urgent action necessary to save Pacific tuna stocks 12/06/2009 500 year old Italian tuna festival cancelled due to lack of fish Fishermen in Sicily have had to cancel their five hundred year old Bluefin tuna festival because there aren’t any fish left to catch. Bluefin is... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=27&news=500 year old Italian tuna festival cancelled due to lack of fish https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=27&news=500 year old Italian tuna festival cancelled due to lack of fish 12/06/2009 EEF launches expert help to deal with Carbon Reduction Commitment EEF, the manufacturers’ organisation is leading a team of experts to provide help for companies who need to be dealing now with their obligations un... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=25&news=EEF launches expert help to deal with Carbon Reduction Commitment https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=25&news=EEF launches expert help to deal with Carbon Reduction Commitment 11/06/2009 Government action on carbon storage favours oil companies Oil and gas producers with North Sea operations are benefiting from a windfall of at least £430m from the sale of surplus EU carbon credits. The same... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=24&news=Government action on carbon storage favours oil companies https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=24&news=Government action on carbon storage favours oil companies 09/06/2009 Africa - Carbon source or sink New research in the Department of Geography at the University of Leicester aims at reducing uncertainties in the prediction of the African ecosystem. ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=23&news=Africa - Carbon source or sink https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=23&news=Africa - Carbon source or sink 04/06/2009 Climate Change: Research to Meet the Challenges Facing Fisheries and Aquaculture Please see the web link... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=21&news=Climate Change: Research to Meet the Challenges Facing Fisheries and Aquaculture https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=21&news=Climate Change: Research to Meet the Challenges Facing Fisheries and Aquaculture 02/06/2009 Multi-agency policy brief: Fisheries and Aquaculture in a Changing Climate Please see weblink.... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=22&news=Multi-agency policy brief: Fisheries and Aquaculture in a Changing Climate https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=22&news=Multi-agency policy brief: Fisheries and Aquaculture in a Changing Climate 02/06/2009 EU greenhouse gas emissions fall European Union emissions of climate-changing greenhouse gases (GHG) declined for the third consecutive year in 2007, according to the EU's GHG invento... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=20&news=EU greenhouse gas emissions fall https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=20&news=EU greenhouse gas emissions fall 29/05/2009 Tiger Conservation The World Bank Group, the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and the International Tiger Coalition have joined forces with scientists and celebrities ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=19&news=Tiger Conservation https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=19&news=Tiger Conservation 28/05/2009 New Study: Green Energy Investment Could Deliver Millions of Jobs A new report released today by the Copenhagen Climate Council at the World Business Summit on Climate Change reveals that a firm commitment to low-car... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=18&news=New Study: Green Energy Investment Could Deliver Millions of Jobs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=18&news=New Study: Green Energy Investment Could Deliver Millions of Jobs 26/05/2009 MP govt forms panel to look into disappearance of tigers Bhopal (PTI) The Madhya Pradesh government has formed a committee to look into the disappearance of the big cats in Panna tiger reserve in eastern par... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=16&news=MP govt forms panel to look into disappearance of tigers https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=16&news=MP govt forms panel to look into disappearance of tigers 20/05/2009 UK: World Biodiversity Day: Beaver trial one of the most positive steps for Scottish biodiversity in decades Conservation charity Trees for Life today marked World Biodiversity Day (22 May) by praising the imminent Scottish Beaver Trial – which will see bea... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=17&news=UK: World Biodiversity Day: Beaver trial one of the most positive steps for Scottish biodiversity in decades https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=17&news=UK: World Biodiversity Day: Beaver trial one of the most positive steps for Scottish biodiversity in decades 20/05/2009 Status of Tigers, Co-Predators and Prey in India National Tiger Conservation Authority Ministry of Environment & Forests Government of India View http://www.wii.gov.in/publications/tiger_reports... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=15&news=Status of Tigers, Co-Predators and Prey in India https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=15&news=Status of Tigers, Co-Predators and Prey in India 18/05/2009 UK Consumers pull together to save a million tonnes of CO2 UK consumers have achieved a saving of a million tonnes of CO2 whilst cutting household bills by £200 million, reports the Together campaign today. ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=12&news=UK Consumers pull together to save a million tonnes of CO2 https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=12&news=UK Consumers pull together to save a million tonnes of CO2 13/05/2009 USA: Mercury-Based Chlorine Production Exacts Hidden Costs Washington, D.C. -- Lowered IQ due to mercury pollution from outdated mercury-cell chlorine factories has cost the American economy millions of dollar... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=13&news=USA: Mercury-Based Chlorine Production Exacts Hidden Costs https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=13&news=USA: Mercury-Based Chlorine Production Exacts Hidden Costs 13/05/2009 Government Issues Emergency Closure of Bottom Longline Fishery in Eastern Gulf of Mexico The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued an emergency closure of the bottom longline sector of the Gulf of Mexico reef fish f... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=14&news=Government Issues Emergency Closure of Bottom Longline Fishery in Eastern Gulf of Mexico https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=14&news=Government Issues Emergency Closure of Bottom Longline Fishery in Eastern Gulf of Mexico 13/05/2009 UK: Conservationists bid to find out if corncrake's range is growing Conservationists have called on the public to help them discover if a rare bird which suffered steep falls in numbers in the past two centuries is man... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=4&news=UK: Conservationists bid to find out if corncrake's range is growing https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=4&news=UK: Conservationists bid to find out if corncrake's range is growing 12/05/2009 UK: Breeding project in attempt to bring the Corncrake to Rathlin The corncrakes distinctive, rasping crek-crek call used to be heard across the Irish countryside on spring evenings.... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=5&news=UK: Breeding project in attempt to bring the Corncrake to Rathlin https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=5&news=UK: Breeding project in attempt to bring the Corncrake to Rathlin 12/05/2009 Whaling peace talks 'fall short' Moves to make a peace deal between pro and anti-whaling nations have stalled, with no chance of agreement this year.... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=6&news=Whaling peace talks 'fall short' https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=6&news=Whaling peace talks 'fall short' 12/05/2009 China outpaces U.S. in cleaner coal-fired plants China’s frenetic construction of coal-fired power plants has raised worries around the world about the effect on climate change. ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=7&news=China outpaces U.S. in cleaner coal-fired plants https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=7&news=China outpaces U.S. in cleaner coal-fired plants 12/05/2009 Successful translocation sees first petrel chick The first Bermuda Petrel Pterodroma cahow chick to be born on Nonsuch Island, Bermuda, for almost 400 years, has recently hatched, the result of a suc... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=8&news=Successful translocation sees first petrel chick https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=8&news=Successful translocation sees first petrel chick 12/05/2009 EU, Congo to protect tropical forest with timber pact The European Union reached an agreement with the Republic of Congo to halt illegal timber imports to the 27-nation group and label wood that’s harve... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=9&news=EU, Congo to protect tropical forest with timber pact https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=9&news=EU, Congo to protect tropical forest with timber pact 12/05/2009 CBI outlines proposals for mandatory emissions reporting The CBI today set out a blueprint for a single, common standard on how firms report their greenhouse gas emissions, arguing that the use of competing ... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=10&news=CBI outlines proposals for mandatory emissions reporting https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=10&news=CBI outlines proposals for mandatory emissions reporting 12/05/2009 British cities 'could be up to 10C hotter than countryside by 2100' British cities could experience summer temperatures up to 18F (10C) higher than the surrounding countryside by 2100 due to global warming, according t... https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=11&news=British cities 'could be up to 10C hotter than countryside by 2100' https://www.environmentjobs.com/news-article.asp?n=11&news=British cities 'could be up to 10C hotter than countryside by 2100' 12/05/2009