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About European Forest Institute

The European Forest Institute (EFI) is an international organisation established by European States.

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European Forest Institute


Finland - Europe,
Expires in 9432 Day/s
European Forest Institute


France North - Europe,
Expires in 9432 Day/s
European Forest Institute


Germany (Central) - Europe,
Expires in 9432 Day/s
European Forest Institute


Spain (North) - Europe,
Expires in 9432 Day/s
European Forest Institute

Indonesia and EU Sign Pact to End Exports of Illegal Timber

The European Union and the Government of Indonesia today announced a new agreement aimed at stemming the flow of illegally harvested timber, which until recently had represented approximately 50% of timber exported from Indonesia and 20% of timber ...
Indonesia - Asia & M East,
Expires in 9432 Day/s
European Forest Institute

Nematodes are a real threat for European forests

A Nematode Day dedicated to a vastly spreading problem of nematodes and damage caused by them was organized by EFI's Atlantic European Regional Office - EFIATLANTIC and CIF Lourizan with support from Xunta de Galicia, USSE and DEVESA during 12-13 ...
Finland - Europe,
Expires in 9432 Day/s
European Forest Institute

Stakeholder meeting on EU Timber Regulation

Stakeholder meeting on 21 March aims to discuss different options and best practices for the use and recognition of third party organisations entrusted with certain responsibilities in the framework of EU Timber ...
Finland - Europe,
Expires in 9432 Day/s
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