Jobs advertised by The Greens / EFA Group in the European Parliament

The Greens / EFA Group in the European Parliament

Biodiversity: Absence of new ideas in EU strategy on halting biodiversity loss

he European Commission today presented an EU strategy* aimed at fulfilling the EU goal of halting biodiversity loss by 2020, agreed by EU leaders last year. The Greens expressed regret that the strategy offers few concrete commitments for ...
Germany (Central) - Europe,
Expires in 9706 Day/s
The Greens / EFA Group in the European Parliament

Schengen-Revision: Kommissionsvorschläge zu Schengen sind unklar und unausgegoren

Zur Erklärung der Kommission bezüglich des Schengen-Raums kritisiert Ska Keller, Mitglied im Innenausschuss: "Die Kommission will in der Lage sein, zusätzlich zu den Mitgliedsstaaten zeitlich begrenzt die Schengen-Freiheit ...
Germany (Central) - Europe,
Expires in 9706 Day/s
The Greens / EFA Group in the European Parliament

Nuclear safety: EU nuclear stress tests set to fall short of thorough risk assessment, ignore terror threat

A decision on the proposed EU nuclear stress tests is expected as early as next week, with the draft stress test criteria already in circulation (1). The Greens are concerned that, based on current drafts, the stress tests would fail to thoroughly ...
Germany (Central) - Europe,
Expires in 9706 Day/s
The Greens / EFA Group in the European Parliament

MEPs open letter on Basque political situation

MEPs are preparing an open letter citing strong concern at state interference in the democratic process in Spain. The letter relates to the prevention of certain legitimate democratic parties from participating in the forthcoming elections in the ...
Germany (Central) - Europe,
Expires in 9706 Day/s
The Greens / EFA Group in the European Parliament

Flugdaten: Massenüberwachung im rechtsfreien Raum

Zur Auswertung von Fluggastdaten durch die US-Behörden und deren Rolle im Fall der „Düsseldorfer Zelle“ erklärt der Grüne Innenexperte im EU-Parlament, Jan Philipp Albrecht: „Die großspurigen und ...
Germany (Central) - Europe,
Expires in 9706 Day/s